초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Lee Dong-Eun & Kim Jiae & Lee Minah. 2016. A Basic Research to Develope the dialogue act tag set for Korean language learner’s spoken language corpus: tagging on the Korean natives’ and foreigners’ dialogue act. Journal of Korean Language Education 27-4: 103-122. This study focuses on the experiment to assess the possibility of dialogue act tag set for Korean language learner’s spoken language corpus at a discourse level. For this study, we gathered 51 Koreans natives and 63 Korean language learners and conducted a Discourse Completion Test(DCT) to examine the usability of dialogue act tag set which was developed by the preceding research, Lee Dong-Eun & Kim jiae(2016). As a result, we found that the dialogue act tag set could apply to the Korean language learner’s spoken language corpus if the annotation system be more elaborated and systematized. (Kookmin University, Korea University)