초록 열기/닫기 버튼

There are various terminology about society members of Korean history textbooks. The Korean history textbooks mainly assumed ‘nation(國民)’ and ‘citizen(市民)’ as a independent members of society. Many students think that ‘nation’, ‘minjung(民衆)’, ‘citizen’ mean independent members of society. About 30 percents of students selected ‘citizen’. But they could not explain the meaning of ‘citizen’. So This thesis critically examined research trends of historical education on democracy and citizen education and sought out the direction of Korean history education for citizen’s education. There is no objective correct answer in the method and purpose of citizen education. We have to think about what the society we desire and we must recognize and solve the challenges to realize this. ‘citizen’ have the practical consciousness and citizen education is to nurture such citizens. History shows the trend of struggle for citizen not only to show what society was formed through process and effort, but also to become citizen. Through this we can explore not only the meaning and qualities of citizens but also the society that future citizens and civil society aim for. In this sense, history education provides the foundation for citizen education, as well as Korean history education. In Korean history education, from the ancient times to the present, a single group assumed to be a so-called ‘Korean’ in Korean history did not exist, but countless groups were transferred and assimilated through the process of war and immigration. We must deal with these facts concretely. And we must reconfirm the reason why a particular group was suppressed nationally and the activities that occurred to resolve it and why the teaching and learning for this is important. Efforts to become members of society with rights and obligations are not limited to specific skin colors and beliefs, even though limited to the democratization struggle since the Korea independence. The change from ‘national history(國史)’ to ‘Korean history(韓國史)’ is related to the nurture of democratic citizens. However, it is true that Korean history education has been limited, such as certain races, areas, beliefs, under the name ‘Korean’s identity formation’. It's time to rethink the role and direction of Korean history education for the education of citizens in a situation where globalization, pluralization is progressing rapidly.