초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of social responsibility of hotel industry and organizational identification on the quality of life of hotel employees. The study distributed 320 questionnaires to employees working at deluxe hotels in Seoul, and an actual proof analysis was conducted on 280 questionnaires. The results of the analysis conducted by SPSS 22.0 were as follows: First, the legal liability of CSR of the hotel industry, ethical responsibility and discretionary responsibility activity beneficially affected organizational identification. Second, organizational identification beneficially affected quality of life. Based on these results, many institutional strategies will need to be prepared to get hotel industry officials to join positively in social responsibility activities to improve the quality of the life of hotel employees. Furthermore, this study intends to provide an implication so that the employees' internal motivation that the hotel industry they work for is contributing to their society and environment can identify with their organization and so that the employees can practically use internal marketing as well.