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The nuclear power policy in Germany are analyzed in terms of socio-political perspectives in ecological modernization theory. The purpose of this study is not only to inquire the political process of German nuclear policy with the corresponding response of government, political parties and civil society, but also to find the theoretical and practical basis imbedded inGerman nuclear policywith the perspective of ecological modernization. The pattern and characteristics of German nuclear policy are derived fromthe empirical analysis of historical development and political decision of government, political parties and anti-nuclear movement of civil society in German case since 1955. Research questions are raised in Chapter 1. The theoretical basis of ecological modernization and the status of research about nuclear policy aswell as nuclear power in German electricity and energy systemare summarized in chapter 2. In chapter 3, the historical development of nuclear policy is interpreted with the response of government, political parties and anti-nuclear movement in each phase. The pattern and characteristics of German nuclear policy are derived fromthe empirical analysis of German case. In chapter 4, the factors and implications of policy change inGerman case are analyzedwith the theoretical basis of ecologicalmodernization. Finally, in chapter 5 the results of analysis are summarized.