초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to clarify unique spheres of Japanese and Korean causative sentences by comparing semantic and structural peculiarities. The results of contrastive analysis of the Japanese and Korean languages are as follows. First of all, in both Japanese and Korean there are cases when a causer in causative sentences is inanimate. This is because description in causative sentences is done from the viewpoint of a causer. It shows the possibility to broaden the concept of a causer. Looking at the differences between the languages, we can notice that there are very important conditions for construction of causative sentences in Japanese, which are the characteristics of a causee and realization of the state of being caused. On the other hand, Korean causative sentences have two forms - "i" type and "-ge hada" type unlike Japanese which has only one form of causative sentences. In summary, we can conclude that while Japanese causative clauses focus on "controllability of causee" and realization of caused action, Korean causative clauses focus on the action of a causer.