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Byun, Ji Hyun ․ Jung, Kyutae. 2015. A Case Study of Online-based Discussion Class of College Level English Subject Utilizing Flipped Classroom Model. The Journal of Studies in Language 31.3, 683-706. The purpose of this study is to apply the flipped classroom model to a college level English course with online-based discussion framework. In this research, the flipped learning model was applied to the course titled ‘World Englishes and Miscommunications’ throughout a semester. The researchers attempted to yield the learners’ reactions toward online-based discussion class as well as flipped classroom model. According to the result, the participants of the present study showed their favors toward the application of flipped classroom model. However, they also pointed out some drawbacks and pedagogical suggestions. The findings of the study will shed some light on the actual application of online-based discussion class and flipped classroom model in the field of English education. (Hannam Univesity)