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오늘날 우리 한국은 급격하게 다문화 사회로 변화되어 가고 있는 바, 이 연구는 이러한 점을고려하여 초등 도덕과에서의 다문화교육의 현황과 실태를 점검하고 그 개선과 발전의 방향과 과제를 탐구해 내는 데 목적이 있었다. 이를 위해 먼저 국내외 도덕교육 분야에서의 다문화교육 관련 연구 및 교육의 실제들을 분석하여 초등 도덕과에서 어떤 다문화교육이 추구되어야 마땅한지에 관한 이론틀을 설정하고자 하였다. 이어서 이러한 준거틀을 바탕으로 초등 도덕과의 교육과정과 교과서상의 다문화교육 현황과 실태를 분석하여 그 장단점을 파악해 내고 여러 가지 개선점들에 대해 논의하였다. 그리고 그 결과 다문화교육 관련 내용의 증대, 다문화ㆍ다민족ㆍ글로벌사회에서의 국가정체성 형성 및 문화 창조자로서의 도덕적 한국시민의 육성, 다양성과 통일성의조화, 다문화 사회에서의 바람직한 삶에 필요한 도덕적 덕성들의 함양, 진정한 다문화교육에 필요한 내용 통합과 평등 교수 및 교육과정의 보다 온전한 구성 등의 추구, 우리 사회 내부의 다양한 하위문화 사이에서의 존중과 배려 및 조화, 다문화 가정 학생들은 물론 일반 학생들을 대상으로 하는 내실 있는 양질의 다문화교육 실행 등이 필요함을 강조하였다.

In Korea, the multicultural education has been an urgent task. Then, have we been performing good multicultural education in the primary moral education indeed? The purpose of this study was to answer the question above. To know about the reality of multicultural education, I analyzed the contents, methods, materials, etc in primary textbooks of moral education. As a result, I could know that the multicultural education in moral education has many good strengths. For example, the teaching methods are based on inquiry, active moral thinking, rational values judgement, narrative approach, and cooperative activities in groups. In addition, teaching-learning materials are also good and helpful. But there are problems also. First of all, the most unsatisfactory thing is that the amount of the contents of multicultural learning is not enough. The units of multicultural education are only three through 3rd - 6th grade in primary moral education. So, it is very important to increase the amount of the contents and learning time of multicultural-moral education. Next, we need to consider the virtues approach to multicultural education in primary moral education because the sound character that can live in multicultural society very well is constructed by acquiring some necessary intellectual and moral virtues, such as respect, empathy, tolerance, justice, caring, and practical wisdom, etc in our children. Third, another problem is that our multicultural-moral education still remains on the stage of the contributive-additive approach. So, from now on, we need to pursue the transformative approach. Fourth, according Christine I. Bennett, there can be three objectives in multicultural education:cognition, skills and competences, and values and attitudes. However, the objective of skills and competences are weak in our multicultural-moral education. So, we should strive to intensify critical thinking, heuristic-creative learning, problem solving activities, and constructivist approach in the multicultural-moral education. Fifth, as the more fundamental thing, What we should concentrate our attention is to uprear the culturally creative Korean citizens. These citizens have the sound national identity as Korean who live in global society harmoniously and can cotribute to the peace and development of the whole world. Sixth, in practicing multicultural education, we have to secure the balance between diversity and unity. Seventh, if we see the inside of our society, we become to know that there are many sub-cultures according to sex, region, ideology, religion, social class, and so on. So,multicultural-moral education must supply our children some meaningful opportunities to learn very valuable things that are necessary for living in such multicultural society.