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Information technology instruments are being rampantly used for knowledge management in companies. IT is used as an interplay tool to enhance the flow of knowledge and information between people. KMS, especially, supports the knowledge management process including sharing, creating, and using of knowledge within a company, and maximizes the value of knowledge resources within an organization. The purpose of this paper is to understand how IT is changing the knowledge management activity, through various examples based on exploratory research from MANDO, the Korean automotive parts manufacturer, and POSCO, the global leading steelmaker. The result shows that IT boosts communication skills, thus creates a mutual relationship outcome. In the same context, the process of knowledge conversion by Nonaka’s SECI model simplifies to an Externalization-Internalization process. This process accelerates the birth of explicit knowledge and Socialization, supplements the limitations of the creation of knowledge in the E-I cycle. The E of knowledge simultaneously promotes the I, and eventually brings an advanced learning skill. IT aids the E of knowledge and furthermore, I and E activity, through the knowledge sharing, brings vitality into an organization. The interplay stage for knowledge activity is to be reorganized to a cyber ba. Furthermore, IT will galvanize the formation of core knowledge through systemized acquisition, management of core knowledge and standardization of work.

Information technology instruments are being rampantly used for knowledge management in companies. IT is used as an interplay tool to enhance the flow of knowledge and information between people. KMS, especially, supports the knowledge management process including sharing, creating, and using of knowledge within a company, and maximizes the value of knowledge resources within an organization. The purpose of this paper is to understand how IT is changing the knowledge management activity, through various examples based on exploratory research from MANDO, the Korean automotive parts manufacturer, and POSCO, the global leading steelmaker. The result shows that IT boosts communication skills, thus creates a mutual relationship outcome. In the same context, the process of knowledge conversion by Nonaka’s SECI model simplifies to an Externalization-Internalization process. This process accelerates the birth of explicit knowledge and Socialization, supplements the limitations of the creation of knowledge in the E-I cycle. The E of knowledge simultaneously promotes the I, and eventually brings an advanced learning skill. IT aids the E of knowledge and furthermore, I and E activity, through the knowledge sharing, brings vitality into an organization. The interplay stage for knowledge activity is to be reorganized to a cyber ba. Furthermore, IT will galvanize the formation of core knowledge through systemized acquisition, management of core knowledge and standardization of work.