초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study was to examine the actor and partner effects of couple interaction on marital satisfaction and physical & psychological health but also to search for ways to reinforce the marital relationship and prevent divorce. The study subjects were 858 married couples living in S, D, G, and C provinces. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 10.8 program and the test of the APIM model was conducted through an analysis of the correlational matrix using the AMOS 7.0 program. The results of this research are summarized as follows. First, both the actor and partner effects of positive interaction on marital satisfaction were statistically significant; thus a higher level of positive interaction was associated with a higher level of marital satisfaction for the husband and wife. There was no difference between the actor effects of the husband and wife, indicating the influence of positive interaction on marital satisfaction was similar. In contrast, there was a difference in the influence of the partner effect between the husband and wife. The partner effect of the wife's positive interaction on the husband’s marital satisfaction was greater than the partner effect of the husband’s positive interaction on the wife’s marital satisfaction. Second, both the actor and partner effects of negative interaction on marital satisfaction were statistically significant; thus a higher level of negative interaction was associated with a lower level of marital satisfaction of the husband and wife. There was no difference between the actor effect of the husband and wife, indicating that the influence of negative interaction on marital satisfaction was similar. In contrast, there was a difference in the influence of the partner effect between the husband and wife. The partner effect of the wife's negative interaction on the husband’s marital satisfaction was greater than the partner effect of the husband’s negative interaction on the wife’s marital satisfaction. Third, for both the husband and wife, martial satisfaction had an effect on physical and psychological health. Compared to physical health, psychological health was more easily explained by examining marital satisfaction. The influence of the husband’s marital satisfaction on physical and psychological health was greater than the influence of wife’s marital satisfaction. In conclusion, this study confirmed that a married couple's positive/negative interactions had actor and partner effects on marital satisfaction and the effect of marital satisfaction on the couplephysical & psychological health. Moreover, this study provides empirical evidence for marital education programs and counselling programs.