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소비자시민성에 관한 연구는 소비자권리의 시대에서 나아가 소비자책임에 관한 윤리적 성찰의 시도로써 사회적 실천성을 중시하므로 무엇보다 개발된 척도의 적용과 실증적 분석을 요구한다. 개인적 소비생활영역 뿐만 아니라, 공동체와 환경 및 세계로까지 실현되는 소비자의 윤리의식과 참여행동에 관한 정체성인 소비자시민성은 이의 측정을 위해 개념화에 기초한 척도개발의 과정을 거쳤다(김정은 & 이기춘, 2008). 본 연구는 이상의 소비자시민성 구성요소별, 영역별 차이를 종합하여 궁극적인 소비자시민성의 수준을 분석함으로써 소비자시민성의 현 상황을 이해하고자 한다. 한국 소비자 1000명을 대상으로 조사한 결과, 소비자시민성은 3.06의 보통 수준으로 나타났으며 이 중 여성과 남성 간의 차이는 유의하지 않게 나타났다. 그 외 지역적 요소 역시 소비자시민성의 차이에 유의한 영향을 미치는 요소는 아니었다. 반면 연령과 결혼여부, 학력 및 거주형태에 따른 소비자시민성의 집단 간 차이는 유의한 것으로 나타나 이에 대한 교육적 시사점을 내포한다. 소비자시민성에 대한 실증적 이해는 소비윤리의식과 행동 간의 간극을 좁히기 위한 소비자교육의 구체적 방향과 시사점을 제안할 것이다. 향후 소비자시민성의 집단 간 차이를 가져오는 원인에 대한 자세한 후속연구가 필요할 것이며 이러한 소비자시민성의 구성요소별, 그리고 영역별 차이에 맞는 세부적이고 전략적인 소비자교육의 실용적 제안들이 이뤄져야 할 것이다.

The purpose of this study was to examine the model of consumer citizenship scale. The development of this consumer citizenship scale was realized through conceptualization. To develop and measure consumer citizenship dimensions, online surveys were performed, with a preliminary survey carried out involving 300 Korean consumers from teens to their 50s. The scale was first purified by this data. The repetitive scale purification was progressed through a formal investigation involving 1,000 Korean consumers. Consumer citizenship model consists of seven dimensions. Specifically, consumer participation was made up of ‘individual’, ‘community’, and ‘environmental and global’ consumption fields while consumer ethics was classified into four categories: ‘individual’, ‘community’, ‘environmental’, and ‘global’ consumption fields. Therefore, the model of consumer citizenship was composed of seven dimensions: ‘individual ethics’, ‘community ethics’, ‘environmental ethics’, ‘global ethics’, ‘individual participation’, ‘community participation’, and ‘environmental and global participation’. The final questionnaire with 31 questions was developed for consumer citizenship(Jung Eun Kim․Kee Chun Lee, 2008). Analyzing the formal investigation data, this study purports to reveal the level of Korean consumer citizenship. It is intended to broaden the practical application of consumer citizenship in terms of consumer education and policy. Following the major findings of the research, consumer citizenship of Korean consumers was general level. Consumer participation was lower than that of the consumer ethics. The result indicates the difference between consumer awareness and action. This can be more confirmed by the low level of individual fields. Regarding consumption fields, individual fields were low in terms of both ethics and participation. Consumers are likely to act to themselves when they have to decide in individual fields while the pretend to be more generous in community, environmental and global fields. In that sense, we could estimate the sincerity of the consumer consciousness in ethical and macroscopic dimensions. In the community field, the ethics level was the highest, whereas the participation level was the lowest. The gap between ethics and participation was the largest in the community field. Environmental and global field was generally superior to the other fields.

The purpose of this study was to examine the model of consumer citizenship scale. The development of this consumer citizenship scale was realized through conceptualization. To develop and measure consumer citizenship dimensions, online surveys were performed, with a preliminary survey carried out involving 300 Korean consumers from teens to their 50s. The scale was first purified by this data. The repetitive scale purification was progressed through a formal investigation involving 1,000 Korean consumers. Consumer citizenship model consists of seven dimensions. Specifically, consumer participation was made up of ‘individual’, ‘community’, and ‘environmental and global’ consumption fields while consumer ethics was classified into four categories: ‘individual’, ‘community’, ‘environmental’, and ‘global’ consumption fields. Therefore, the model of consumer citizenship was composed of seven dimensions: ‘individual ethics’, ‘community ethics’, ‘environmental ethics’, ‘global ethics’, ‘individual participation’, ‘community participation’, and ‘environmental and global participation’. The final questionnaire with 31 questions was developed for consumer citizenship(Jung Eun Kim․Kee Chun Lee, 2008). Analyzing the formal investigation data, this study purports to reveal the level of Korean consumer citizenship. It is intended to broaden the practical application of consumer citizenship in terms of consumer education and policy. Following the major findings of the research, consumer citizenship of Korean consumers was general level. Consumer participation was lower than that of the consumer ethics. The result indicates the difference between consumer awareness and action. This can be more confirmed by the low level of individual fields. Regarding consumption fields, individual fields were low in terms of both ethics and participation. Consumers are likely to act to themselves when they have to decide in individual fields while the pretend to be more generous in community, environmental and global fields. In that sense, we could estimate the sincerity of the consumer consciousness in ethical and macroscopic dimensions. In the community field, the ethics level was the highest, whereas the participation level was the lowest. The gap between ethics and participation was the largest in the community field. Environmental and global field was generally superior to the other fields.