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This research has divided enviro-friendly agricultural products into “ogranic”and “pesticides-free”, and, with the application of the bivariate probitmodel, analyzed the factors influencing on purchasing of enviro-friendlyagricultural products. The results and their implications are as follows. Theanalysis result of the purchasing of organic agricultural products hasrevealed that when the consumers are more concerned more aboutfreshness, their purchase intention of organic agricultural products showedpositive (+) effect. The more awareness of the quality certification fororganic agricultural products or pesticide-free agricultural products, and themore necessity about the quality certification system, the more increase ofpurchasing for each agricultural products it shows. Thus, it can beconcluded that since the purchase intention of enviro-friendly agricultural products is most affected by the fact whether or not have “awareness of thequality certification system”, it is necessary to provide the consumers withcontinuous promotion and education of the system. Furthermore, in thedistribution process of the quality certified agricultural products, it is necessaryto have a continuous expansion of the uniformed advanced distributionsystem such as refrigeration for freshness maintenance, precoolingprocessing, cold chain system, and so on. Lastly, a differentiated marketstrategy is needed according to the certification authority of enviro-friendlyagricultural products.