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스페인의 동북부에 위치해 있는 카탈루냐 지방은 전통적으로 문화적, 언어적 정체성을 유지해 온 지역이다. 독립적인 국가로서의 역사적 경험은 스페인 중앙정부의 통치아래에 놓이게 되는 근대에 들어와서도 여전히 고유의 문화와 전통을 고수하게 하였고, 부르봉 왕조의 절대주의적 통치와 프랑코 총통의 독재기에서는 오히려 저항의 근원지가 되게 하였다. 1978년 헌법은 카탈루냐 지방이 드디어 지방자치를 실시하는 계기가 되었고, 스페인 정부와의 대립구도가 대화와 협상의 형태로 변모하게 하였다.한편 ‘새 유럽’의 도래는 카탈루냐의 민족주의에도 상당한 변화를 가져왔다. 기존의 국가적 독립을 추구하는 입장에서, 유럽연합이라는 범유럽적인 틀 속에서 민족적 공동체로서의 운명과 발전을 도모하게 된 것이다. 또 이를 위하여 ‘지역들의 유럽’이라는 모토에서 스스로를 ‘하나의 지역’으로 간주하는 것에 더 이상 주저하지 않게 되었다. 보다 나은 미래를 얻기 위한 일보요, 실리적인 선택이라고 생각하였기 때문이다.카탈루냐의 문화적 정체성과 카탈루냐어는 불가분의 관계에 있다고 말할 수 있다. 실제적으로 스페인 국가의 억압정치 속에서도 카탈루냐 지방은 그들 고유의 언어를 보호하고 유지하는 가운데에서 카탈루냐인으로서의 정체성을 유지할 수 있었기 때문이다. 따라서 카탈루냐의 언어정책은 단순한 언어 진흥의 차원을 넘어서서, 그들 자신의 문화와 전통을 유지하기 위한 수단이 되고 있다. 그러나 스페인 국가와의 관계에서 유지해왔던 언어정책이 다소간의 긴장과 대립을 가져왔다면, 유럽연합과의 관계에서는 좀더 온건한 형태를 취하고 있다는 점이 차이점이라고 할 수 있겠다.

Catalonia situated in the northeast of Spain, is the region in which the cultural and linguistic identity has been maintained. Owing to its historical experience as an independent state, Catalonia developed its original culture and tradition in the Modern Age when Spanish centralistic government had reigned. And furthermore Catalonia had come to the root of resistance under the absolute rule of the Bourbon and Franco's dictatorship. Catalonia's local autonomy had been sparked off by the 1978 Spanish Constitution and the antagonistic relationships between the Spanish Government and Catalonia had been replaced with cooperative, amicable relationships. On the other hand, the advent of ‘New Europe' had induced considerable changes in the Catalan nationalism. It came to discover itself as a national community sharing destiny and development in the Pan-Europe, that is “European Union”, from the standpoint of seeking the state-independence. And it didn't hesitate to consider itself as a single region of the Europe. The Catalan cultural identity and its language are related each other inseparably. Because Catalonia could maintain its identity owing to the preservation of native language under the suppressive Spanish authorities. Therefore its language policy is an important means to protect its culture and tradition. But the Catalan government left the language issue to softer forms of exterior activities in Europe, while it took some tensive relationship with the Spanish government.

Catalonia situated in the northeast of Spain, is the region in which the cultural and linguistic identity has been maintained. Owing to its historical experience as an independent state, Catalonia developed its original culture and tradition in the Modern Age when Spanish centralistic government had reigned. And furthermore Catalonia had come to the root of resistance under the absolute rule of the Bourbon and Franco's dictatorship. Catalonia's local autonomy had been sparked off by the 1978 Spanish Constitution and the antagonistic relationships between the Spanish Government and Catalonia had been replaced with cooperative, amicable relationships. On the other hand, the advent of ‘New Europe' had induced considerable changes in the Catalan nationalism. It came to discover itself as a national community sharing destiny and development in the Pan-Europe, that is “European Union”, from the standpoint of seeking the state-independence. And it didn't hesitate to consider itself as a single region of the Europe. The Catalan cultural identity and its language are related each other inseparably. Because Catalonia could maintain its identity owing to the preservation of native language under the suppressive Spanish authorities. Therefore its language policy is an important means to protect its culture and tradition. But the Catalan government left the language issue to softer forms of exterior activities in Europe, while it took some tensive relationship with the Spanish government.