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우리나라는 동시다발적인 FTA 체결을 정부방침으로 세운 이후 칠레, 싱가포르, EFTA(유럽자유무역연합) 등 비교적 먼 거리의 작은 규모의 나라들과 자유무역협정을 발효시켰고, 2007년에 와서는 5월에 미국과의 FTA협정을 타결시킨 후 8월 현재 EU와 협상을 진행하고 있다. 이후의 주된 협상 대상 국가는 중국과 일본이 될 것이다. 한-EU FTA에서는 양측이 농산물 부문의 민감성을 상호간에 고려하기로 합의함에 따라 농산물이 협상의 걸림돌이 될 것이라는 당초 우려가 크게 불식되었다. 실제로 EU는 2003년에 발효된 EU-칠레 FTA 등에서 EU의 관세양허와 즉시 철폐율이 우리의 농업양허범위를 크게 벗어나지 않는다. 뿐만 아니라, EU는 FTA 상대에 따라 농업협상을 유연하게 운영하고 있다. 이러한 EU의 협상스타일은 한-EU FTA 협상의 조기타결과 국내 조기비준에 큰 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다.본고에서는 EU의 공동농업정책 및 FTA의 농업사례들을 분석하고, 한-EU 농축산물 교역 현황을 살펴보고, 끝으로 한-EU FTA의 농업부문 영향과 이에 대한 대처방안을 다룬다. EU는 미국보다 큰 세계 최대 시장이며, 제조업의 평균관세도 미국보다 높다. 또한 우리와 같이 농업개방에 민감한 공통점도 있다. 따라서 한-미 FTA보다 한-EU FTA의 실현이 더 용이해 보인다. 그러므로 우리나라는 EU와의 협상에서는 농업문제는 국내보조로 해결할 수 있다는 유연하면서도 합리적인 협상태도를 견지하여 빠른 시일 내 한-EU FTA가 발효되기를 기대한다.

Korea has actively established its FTA relations with Chile, Singapore, EFTA which are relatively small and located at a long distance from Korea. These are the results of the Korean Government's New FTA policy seeking FTA establishments with foreign countries as many as possible at the same period. But after the establishment of Korea-US FTA in May, 2007, Korea is proceeding FTA negotiations with the EU and China and Japan, which will be the main FTA partners. As both of Korea and EU agreed to consider the sensitivity of the agricultural sector in the FTA negotiations, the worries about agricultural sector as a stumbling block greatly decreased. Actually the agricultural concession of tariff and immediate elimination ratio of the EU do not exceed those of Korea not much. In addition, the EU has a flexible attitude of negotiation style in responding to the conditions of partner country and this style might be greatly helpful for the early establishment of Korea-US FTA negotiations and its ratification in Korea. Under these circumstances, this paper intends to analyze the CAP of the EU and its agricultural cases of FTA, the trends of trade in agriculture and livestock and finally it deals with the agricultural impacts and countermeasures. The EU is the biggest market which is bigger than that of US, with having higher tariff rate in manufacturing sector than US. The EU also shares with Korea in a sense that it is sensitive in liberalizing agriculture. Therefore, I expect that Korea may have a reasonable and flexible attitude of negotiations with convincing that agricultural should be solved with domestic subsidies, which can bring the early effectiveness of the Korea-EU FTA.

Korea has actively established its FTA relations with Chile, Singapore, EFTA which are relatively small and located at a long distance from Korea. These are the results of the Korean Government's New FTA policy seeking FTA establishments with foreign countries as many as possible at the same period. But after the establishment of Korea-US FTA in May, 2007, Korea is proceeding FTA negotiations with the EU and China and Japan, which will be the main FTA partners. As both of Korea and EU agreed to consider the sensitivity of the agricultural sector in the FTA negotiations, the worries about agricultural sector as a stumbling block greatly decreased. Actually the agricultural concession of tariff and immediate elimination ratio of the EU do not exceed those of Korea not much. In addition, the EU has a flexible attitude of negotiation style in responding to the conditions of partner country and this style might be greatly helpful for the early establishment of Korea-US FTA negotiations and its ratification in Korea. Under these circumstances, this paper intends to analyze the CAP of the EU and its agricultural cases of FTA, the trends of trade in agriculture and livestock and finally it deals with the agricultural impacts and countermeasures. The EU is the biggest market which is bigger than that of US, with having higher tariff rate in manufacturing sector than US. The EU also shares with Korea in a sense that it is sensitive in liberalizing agriculture. Therefore, I expect that Korea may have a reasonable and flexible attitude of negotiations with convincing that agricultural should be solved with domestic subsidies, which can bring the early effectiveness of the Korea-EU FTA.