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Enophthalmos means displacement of the globe into the bony orbit backward, and usually downward. In post-traumatic enophthalmos, the mechanisms that determine the globe position can be the enlargement of the orbital cavity, the herniation of orbital fat into the maxillary sinus, fat atrophy, loss of ligament support, and scar contracture. It can be reconstructed through several approaches such as transconjunctival, canthotomy, lower eye lid, coronal approach, and by using bone, cartilage, and alloplastic materials. The authors report a case of postoperative enophthalmos reconstructed through subciliary and transnasal endoscopic approaches using porous polyethylene with embedded titanium.

Enophthalmos means displacement of the globe into the bony orbit backward, and usually downward. In post-traumatic enophthalmos, the mechanisms that determine the globe position can be the enlargement of the orbital cavity, the herniation of orbital fat into the maxillary sinus, fat atrophy, loss of ligament support, and scar contracture. It can be reconstructed through several approaches such as transconjunctival, canthotomy, lower eye lid, coronal approach, and by using bone, cartilage, and alloplastic materials. The authors report a case of postoperative enophthalmos reconstructed through subciliary and transnasal endoscopic approaches using porous polyethylene with embedded titanium.