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본 연구의 목적은 교수가 되어 가는 것의 의미를 신임교수들의 경험을 통하여 탐구하는 것이었다. 자료수집은 연구자를 포함하여 지방 4년제 대학 유아교육과에 예비임용을 받은 두 명의 여성 교수가 정기적으로 만나서 나눈 대화와 저널 공유를 통해 이루어졌다. 유아교육과 신임 여성 교수들의 경험이 내러티브 형식으로 재구성되었다. 연구 결과 신임교수들의 경험은 다음의 네 가지 주제로 나타났다; 점수로 환산되는 열정: 강의, 살아남기 위한 투쟁: 재임용을 위한 연구, 상대방의 입장에서 생각하기: 인간관계, 여성교수를 억누르는 이중고: 가정일과 학교 일. 교수가 되어 가는 것의 의미는 학문적 성취를 통해 정체성을 형성하는 것, 복잡하고 다양한 관계망 속에서 살아가는 것, 다층적이고 다면적인 역할 수행의 균형을 맞추는 것, 가르친다는 것에 대해 끊임없이 자기성찰을 하는 것 등을 들 수 있다. 결론적으로 교수가 되어 가는 것은 다분히 개인적인 경험이며 어느 한 순간에 멈추는 것이 아닌 연속적으로 발달하고 성숙해 가는 일련의 과정이다.

The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of becoming university professors through investigating the experiences of new faculty members. Two newly appointed women academics, including myself, met regularly, had conversations, and exchanged journals. The experiences of the participants were reconstructed in narrative form. The major concerns of two novice professors were giving lectures, doing research, developing relationships with colleagues, and balancing between domestic duties and professional work. The meaning of becoming university professors through their experiences were found; identifying themselves through academic achievement, living in a complex world of relationships, balancing their multiple roles, and self-reflecting on teaching. The results of the study suggest that workshops and guidelines should be offered for new faculty members based on our understanding of their lives.

The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of becoming university professors through investigating the experiences of new faculty members. Two newly appointed women academics, including myself, met regularly, had conversations, and exchanged journals. The experiences of the participants were reconstructed in narrative form. The major concerns of two novice professors were giving lectures, doing research, developing relationships with colleagues, and balancing between domestic duties and professional work. The meaning of becoming university professors through their experiences were found; identifying themselves through academic achievement, living in a complex world of relationships, balancing their multiple roles, and self-reflecting on teaching. The results of the study suggest that workshops and guidelines should be offered for new faculty members based on our understanding of their lives.