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본 연구는 평가이자 교수의 성격을 포함하고 있는 역동적 평가과정을 개별로 적용하여 유아측정능력에 대한 역동적 평가의 교수효과성을 검증하였으며, 또한 또래협동으로도 적용하여 봄으로써 역동적 평가의 효율성을 증대시킬 수 있는 방안을 모색하였다. 본 연구를 통해 나타난 결과, 개별평가집단이 비교집단에 비해 측정능력의 유의미한 증진을 보임으로써 유아측정능력에 대한 역동적 평가의 교수효과성을 검증하였고, 개별 역동적 평가집단은 비교집단에 비해 참조물 활용하기전략이 증진한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 유아측정능력에 대한 역동적 평가도구의 또래협동 적용가능성을 탐색하기 위해 또래협동집단에 적용한 결과, 비교집단에 비해 측정능력의 유의미한 증진이 나타났으며, 하위영역별 증진량 및 측정잠재력, 측정문제해결과정 변화에 있어서 개별 역동적 평가집단과 유사한 결과를 보였다. 이는 역동적평가의 교수과정이 유아의 측정능력 향상에 도움을 주었으며, 또래협동으로 실시되더라도 개별평가와 같은 교수효과성을 유지함을 의미하는 것으로 앞으로 역동적평가의 효율성 증대에 시사점을 제공하고 있다.

The purpose of this study was to analyse the Instructional Effectiveness of the individual and pair collaboration group dynamic assessment on young children's measurement Ability. The research contents for the purpose of this study are (1) to analyze instructional effectiveness in the amount of improvement between pre-test and post-test in terms of measurement problem in individual cases. (2) to analyze developmental shifts of measurement problem solving strategies and errors between pre-test and post-test. in individual cases. (3) to analyze instructional effectiveness of the amount of improvement between pre-test and post-test in terms of measurement problem in pair collaboration cases. (4) to analyze developmental shifts of measurement problem solving strategies and errors between pre-test and post-test in pair collaboration cases. The results of this research were as follows: First, the results of the post-test showed significant differences in scores of measurement ability between the individual and control groups(p< .05). In the dynamic assessment group there was significant improvement in length, width and weight between pre- and post-tests. Second, there were significant shifts of measurement strategies and measurement errors between the pre- and post-tests. Third, the results of the post-test showed significant differences in scores of measurement ability between the pair collaboration and control groups(p< .05). Namely, there were significant instructional effectiveness between the pre- and post-tests in the pair collaboration groups as well as in individuals. Several educational implications and suggestions for further study were discussed.

The purpose of this study was to analyse the Instructional Effectiveness of the individual and pair collaboration group dynamic assessment on young children's measurement Ability. The research contents for the purpose of this study are (1) to analyze instructional effectiveness in the amount of improvement between pre-test and post-test in terms of measurement problem in individual cases. (2) to analyze developmental shifts of measurement problem solving strategies and errors between pre-test and post-test. in individual cases. (3) to analyze instructional effectiveness of the amount of improvement between pre-test and post-test in terms of measurement problem in pair collaboration cases. (4) to analyze developmental shifts of measurement problem solving strategies and errors between pre-test and post-test in pair collaboration cases. The results of this research were as follows: First, the results of the post-test showed significant differences in scores of measurement ability between the individual and control groups(p< .05). In the dynamic assessment group there was significant improvement in length, width and weight between pre- and post-tests. Second, there were significant shifts of measurement strategies and measurement errors between the pre- and post-tests. Third, the results of the post-test showed significant differences in scores of measurement ability between the pair collaboration and control groups(p< .05). Namely, there were significant instructional effectiveness between the pre- and post-tests in the pair collaboration groups as well as in individuals. Several educational implications and suggestions for further study were discussed.