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이 연구는 대학생 멘토를 활용한 프로그램 적용을 통하여 정신지체학생들의 사회통합 적응력을 증진시키는데 목적을 두었다. 이를 달성하고자 S시에 있는 정신지체 특수학교에 재학 중인 고등부 1, 2학년 18명 중 경도 및 중도의 정신지체학생들로 실험집단 2학년과 비교집단 1학년 각각 4명씩 8명을 선정하여 사회적응행동을 사전에 측정하고, 실험집단은 대학생 멘터 4명의 의사지원을 통해 위축·고립 행동과 상반되는 행동으로서 대인관계 능력을 기르고 적극적인 의사표현을 할 수 있도록 지역사회 체험활동을 수행하였다. 그 결과 첫째, KISE-적응행동검사의 사전·사후검사 결과 지역사회 자원을 활용한 멘토링 프로그램이 정신지체학생의 사회적응행동 발달에 긍정적으로 긍정적인 효과가 있었다, 둘째, 학부모들의 적극적인 관심과 지원을 받은 학생들의 적응 행동이 그렇지 못한 학생들보다 더 큰 효과가 있었다.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate theefficacy of the mentoring program that structure patnerships between a student with mental retardation and a university student mentor to increase social including adaptive behavior of students with mental retardation. For this purpose, we selected 8 students with mild mental retardation from special high school for mental retardation in S-city, surveyed their social adaptive behavior by the KISE-Social Adaptation behavior Test before the experiment, divided them two groups - 4 sthdents from 2nd graders for experimental group and 4 students from 1st graders for comparison group. Experimental group 4 students participated in the mentoring program, which provided a variety of community experiential activities with university student mentors who can offer guidance and support improving personal relationships, appropriate assertive behavior, reasonable requests and active expression. The experiment was executed for 17session in 17 weeks. Comparing and analyzing the two groups' KISE-Social Adaptation Behavior Test scores before and after the experiment, the results of the this study were as follows: First, the mentoring program, providing a variety of community experiential activities, showed positive effect to developing social including adaptive behavior of students with mental retardation. Second, the social adaptive behaviors of students who were concerned and supported from their family positively were improved. Mentorship seem to be an area where more schools and more individuals could be of greate service to students with disabilities.