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It is designated a total war system that the period of Asia-Pacific War from September in 1937 to August in 1945. It was the special wartime, that Japanese government, in order to win Asia-Pacific War, compulsory mobilized all the national resources of politics, economics, societies, cultures and labors. Japanese government announced 'Guidelines to establish a population policy' in January of 1941. In this process, encouraged early marriage and fertility, launched a policy to increase its population and also nutrition and health of pregnant women and infants, payed the particular attention of the various measures is to be studied. During this period, the Japanese government demanded the role of the labor and the role of the future people’s parturition of women. But the Japanese government had a dilemma. If only to emphasize labor too hard to be successful population policy, if only to emphasize population policy too hard to compensate for labor was shortage. Therefore, this research will be able to confirm that wartime labor management have the special protection and administrative nature for women.