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This manuscript reviews revolutionary syndicalism emerged in conjucntion with Sakae Ōsugi’s pragmatic activities in the early 1920s. In doing so, I intend to highlight the ideological characteristics of Sakae Ōsugi's ideas. Sakae Ōsugi supported “Jiyū rengō ron” (theory of untrammeled union) because it was expressed by the language of workers own, based on their experience and longing. He limited the role of the intelligentsia which was to encourage the avant-garde who appear from among the workers, and to lead their “mood” into the theory. Ōsugi had done this in practice. He always suspected heteronomous and substitutable revolution by professional revolutionaries and intellectuals. When some of the comrades insisted the struggle organizations only “anarchist”, he did not agree to this in any way because of that reason. “Simultaneous progress of the construction and destruction” was not only a word about the system. It also can be said as “simultaneous progress of the construction and destruction” that workers who were in the old system and customs were gaining confidence on the ability of their own within the struggle. The reason that Ōsugi said “the labor movement is workers’s self-acquisition movement, and movement to acquire a voluntary and autonomous life” is also pointing this.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Sakae Ōsugi, Hitoshi Yamakaya, Labor movement, syndicalism, self-reform, revolution