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이 연구의 목적은 새 정부 들어 지상파 방송광고 규제 정책의 변화가 방송시장에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 광고규제 정책의 바람직한 방향을 모색하는 데 있다. 지상파 방송광고에 대한 과도한 비대칭규제와 유료매체와 채널의 증가 등 방송환경의 급속한 변화에 따라 지상파 방송광고 재원이 고갈되게 되었다. 수신료의 현실화와 광고 재원의 안정적인 확보 없이는 지상파 방송의 공익적 역할을 사실상 기대하기 어렵다는 인식을 전제로 한국방송광고공사의 독점적 광고영업제도와 중간광고 허용과 관련된 논의와 쟁점들을 정리하였다. 최근의 논의와 새 정부의 친 시장주의적인 정책을 볼 때 광고규제 정책의 변화는 불가피하다고 보며, 이에 방송시장에 미치는 긍정적 영향과 부정적 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과 방송 프로그램 제작비 투입 증대로 인한 프로그램의 질 향상과 지상파 디지털 전환 비용 마련 등에는 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 데 비해, 연계판매가 줄어들면서 지역방송과 종교방송 등에는 경영 위기를 초래할 가능성이 높았다. 대신 다른 경쟁 광고매체인 신문과 케이블TV 등에 미치는 영향은 대체로 미미하였다. 새 정부의 지상파 광고규제 정책의 변화가 방송시장에 가져올 부작용을 줄이기 위해서는 중간광고 등의 비대칭 규제는 빠른 도입을, 민영 미디어렙 등의 도입은 한·미 FTA의 비준 이후 유예기간 등을 고려하여 단계별로 추진하는 것이 바람직하다. 지역방송과 종교방송 등 취약 매체에 대한 제도적 보완장치 마련도 시급하다. 지상파 방송사는 광고규제의 완화에 따른 광고수입 증대가 프로그램의 질 향상을 통해 시청자 만족도를 높이는 동시에 공익성을 강화하기 위한 구체적인 방안을 마련해야 한다.

This study examines the improvement of advertizing regulation policy in the new government, focusing on the change of advertizing regulation policy on terrestrial broadcasting stations and analyzing the impact of broadcasting market. It has been an excessive regulation on the advertizing regulation policy on terrestrial broadcasting stations. In addition, due to the rapid change of broadcasting environment like the growth of cable TV and on-line media, the revenue source of terrestrial broadcasting stations has been drained. It has been regarded that it is difficult to expect actual public-interest duty of terrestrial broadcasting stations. In this study, due to this reason, there are lots of discussions and issues regarding monopoly broadcasting advertizing system of Kobaco and in-program advertizing. Recently Korean new government decided to allow in-program advertizing and to change monopoly broadcasting advertizing system into free competition system. Therefore, the impact on the broadcasting market is also analyzed. As a result, it is found that the program quality improved and the revenue of digital shift is secured. However, reducing the advertizing tie-in sale of local stations and religion radio stations caused the management crisis of their stations. Nevertheless, it is found that the advertizing revenue of newspapers and cable TV has little changes. To reduce the side-effect causing the change of terrestrial advertizing regulation policy, it is necessary that the excessive regulation like in-program advertizing is allowed as soon as possible. On the next stage, it is also needed that the free competition system like media representatives should be delayed 3 years after KOR-US FTA. The support for local stations and religion radio stations to preserve the localism and the diversity of public opinion is necessary. The concrete plans to increase the viewers' satisfactions should be prepared by improving program quality with the increase of advertizing revenue due to the deregulation of terrestrial broadcasting advertizing system.

This study examines the improvement of advertizing regulation policy in the new government, focusing on the change of advertizing regulation policy on terrestrial broadcasting stations and analyzing the impact of broadcasting market. It has been an excessive regulation on the advertizing regulation policy on terrestrial broadcasting stations. In addition, due to the rapid change of broadcasting environment like the growth of cable TV and on-line media, the revenue source of terrestrial broadcasting stations has been drained. It has been regarded that it is difficult to expect actual public-interest duty of terrestrial broadcasting stations. In this study, due to this reason, there are lots of discussions and issues regarding monopoly broadcasting advertizing system of Kobaco and in-program advertizing. Recently Korean new government decided to allow in-program advertizing and to change monopoly broadcasting advertizing system into free competition system. Therefore, the impact on the broadcasting market is also analyzed. As a result, it is found that the program quality improved and the revenue of digital shift is secured. However, reducing the advertizing tie-in sale of local stations and religion radio stations caused the management crisis of their stations. Nevertheless, it is found that the advertizing revenue of newspapers and cable TV has little changes. To reduce the side-effect causing the change of terrestrial advertizing regulation policy, it is necessary that the excessive regulation like in-program advertizing is allowed as soon as possible. On the next stage, it is also needed that the free competition system like media representatives should be delayed 3 years after KOR-US FTA. The support for local stations and religion radio stations to preserve the localism and the diversity of public opinion is necessary. The concrete plans to increase the viewers' satisfactions should be prepared by improving program quality with the increase of advertizing revenue due to the deregulation of terrestrial broadcasting advertizing system.