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본 연구에서는 리얼리티프로그램의 현실감이 수용의 지점에서 어떻게 구성되고경험되는지를 알아보고자 최근 방송 트렌드로 자리잡아가고 있는 리얼버라이어티쇼의 수용경험에 대한 질적 연구를 시도하였다. 먼저 수용자들이 리얼버라이어티 쇼로부터 기대하는 현실감의 속성은 ‘다큐적 리얼리티’와는 차별화되는 ‘오락적 리얼리티’임을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 현실감은 캐릭터, 자막, 소재 등의 활용을 통해 만들어지고 강화되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 우선 캐릭터와 관련하여서는 캐릭터들 간의관계의 일관성, 캐릭터 자체의 일관성, 시간의 흐름에 따른 캐릭터의 성장과 변화등이 다양한 텍스트를 넘나들며 현실감을 강화시켜주고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한자막의 활용은 단순히 재미를 주는 것만이 아니라 제작진과의 대화와 프로그램에의직접적 참여의 환상을 수용자에게 제공함으로써 현실감 구축에 중요하게 작용하고있었다. 마지막으로 리얼버라이어티 쇼에서 소재는 캐릭터들의 사적 영역인 실제 삶의 모습을 프로그램 안으로 가져옴으로써 현실과 가공의 경계를 느슨하게 하는 방식을 통해 텍스트의 현실감을 구축하고 있었다. 연구자들은 이러한 현실감 구축기제들이 수용의 지점에서 특히 상호 텍스트적 맥락을 기반으로 할 때 비로소 완성되며, 강화되고 있음에 주목하였다.

This study attempts to accomplish a reception analysis to explore why the viewer’s preferences are focused on TV reality shows. One can easily see that the viewer’s expectation and experience from the reality shows differ significantly in relation to what a TV documentary can offer to the viewer. This difference stems from a concept called ‘entertainment realism.’ In order to understand the basis of this concept, one must focus on how the composition and direction of the program allows the viewer to maintain a sense of reality with the celebrity’s day to day activities regardless of the known intention of providing an alternative sense of reality as a source of mere entertainment, also known as fictional scenarios. It is possible to create such an alternative sense of reality because the reality stars intertwine and implement the concept of real personal life incidents into the day to day fictional scripts. What is viewed on television in these genre of shows is neither entirely fictional nor completely realistic lives of these celebrities. Additionally, the captions utilized in the programs are used not only for adding comedy within the programs but also for providing viewers with make-believe mechanisms that function as an important mean of communication between the reality stars and production staff. In other words, program captions are meant for producers to display their opinion about certain incidents that occur in the program so as to contribute toward providing the viewers of a stronger sense of realism from viewing such interactions. Finally, viewers of reality shows arrive to the point where they believe that they are also actively involved in what’s going on in the world of television programming because by utilizing real personal life occurrences of the celebrities as episodes of the program and subject matter in their tasks, this allows the viewer to feel as if they were viewing real life occurrences consistently throughout the program. From this, instantaneously, TV fiction turns into a non-fictional presentation. There exists no sharp distinction between fictional characters in the TV world and real individuals who have their personal lives broadcast on a day to day basis.