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Kim Youngjoo. Kim Inho, Nam Juyeon. 2010. 2. 28. A Study on the Korean Cooking and Language Textbook Development and Its Application: Based on Language Experience Approach. Bilingual Research 42, 1-24. Woman immigrants by matrimony felt the most severe discrepancy in food culture and wanted to learn Korean cooking to be acculturated. Based on this fact, the study showed how to develop the textbook integrating Korean language education and Korean cooking recipes, and how to apply the textbook in real Korean language class. The textbook development is theoretically based on language experience approach claiming that language meaning is clarified by action and action enhances meaning clear. Language used during cooking could be acquired better by doing action because linguistic memory remains longer with visual and tactile memory. The textbook is comprised of 40 Korean food recipes with the target expressions and vocabulary words. The book is divided by part I and part II according to the food: ordinary food for everyday is introduced in part I and occasional food for special days is in part II. The study also provided the sample lesson plan.