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This study is to examine the present status and outcomes of Korean Education and address the future tasks and directions for further research. The study first examined the status of one hundred and eight Korean Education related articles that have been presented during approximately twenty five years of research by types, from 1986 until now. Next, the study covered the progress of research among yearly and regional classifications. Also, by categorizing the research into themes, the study discovered the outcomes and current status of research that have been conducted to this point. Although there have been various levels of previous research, the results of this study were that several researches have been focused on specific locations; and in terms of thematic research, there were lack of practicality. Therefore, this study aimed to propose the future directions and tasks of Korean Education based on the research of Korean Education for Overseas Korean. First of all, the research suggests that future Korean education needs to cultivate identity and further address the specificity of overseas Koreans by dividing its education by functionality and domain. Also, further suggestions include issues of supporting research such as the need to improve teacher training, expand the research community, develop materials,and set up necessary policies.