초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to propose a design plan for an acculturation program for Korean Government Scholarship Students. For that purpose, in-depth interviews, surveys to acknowledge acculturation stress and personal variable, and that of demands to design for acculturation programs were conducted. As a result, among factors of acculturation stress, homesickness was the highest rated factor that was applicable to students just one month after entering Korea. The survey of demand for the program in regards to the students who have spent over seven months in Korea have indicated that an acculturation program is needed to overcome future anxiety. After conducting in-depth interviews, students who have spent four to six months in Korea strongly needed a program to overcome communication difficulties. Students faced different difficulties depending on the duration of their stay in Korea. Thus, program design is required to consider the length of their stay. Also during in-depth interviews, students hoped to prepare the Test Of Proficiency In Korean(TOPIK) over summer, fall and winter semesters. Thus, designing special lectures during that particular semester seems appropriate. However, after examining closely the different needs for the program, personal variables, such as knowledge of Korean language prior to the entry to Korea, created diverse results, considering the fact that they were indeed the same Korean Government Scholarship Students.