초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper aims to discover the aspect of acculturation of foreign exchange students that come to Korea to study in graduate school. Taking this as a foundation, suggestions on the direction of social relations between peers, professors and administrationists. The research was conducted through survey/interview of graduate students to investigate their cognition on Korea and culture within Korean graduate schools. According to the research results, the most difficult aspect of graduate school for the students were human relations. Especially, in comparison to their home country, they expressed difficulty in adapting to the culture of the various different meetings between a professor and graduate student and the existence of the senior and junior hierarchy in Korea. In addition, there were also indications of difficulty in the style of the way classes are conducted. Students advised that graduate courses were difficult as they were more presentation focused. Therefore, there is a need to share information in advance of the special cultural aspects of graduate student life in Korea to foreign exchange students.