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조음음운장애를 치료하기 위한 나선형 하이브리드 접근 모형을 개발하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 이 목적을 달성하기 위하여 먼저 하이브리드 접근에 포함되어야 할 내용 요소를 선행연구에 의하여 추출하였다. 하이브리드 접근의 구성 요소는 크게 두 가지 관점에서 보았다. 즉 조음음운장애 치료기법 간의 하이브리드 접근과 다중 시스템적 차원의 하이브리드 접근으로 기본 방향을 설정하였다. 그리고 각 요소별로 내용 요소를 추출하기 위하여 기존에 개발 되어있는 조음음운장애 치료기법, 가족교육과 참여/가정치료, 음운인식과업, 그리고 본 모형의 기본 철학이 되는 인간중심주의에 관한 선행연구를 내용분석 또는 통합적 분석을 하였다. 이상의 분석에 의하여 하이브리드 접근 모형에 대한 주요 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 하이브리드 접근 모형의 기본 구조는 기존의 조음음운장애 치료기법과 다중 시스템의 연합으로 구성하였다. 둘째, 다중 시스템 요소는 인간중심주의 언어치료 접근, 가족교육과 참여/가정치료, 음운인식과업 등이다. 셋째, 기존 조음음운장애 치료기법 간의 연합은 상위 치료기법 간 및 하위 치료기법 간의 접근성에 기초한 연합모형으로 이루어졌다. 상위 치료기법 간 연합모형 17개, 하위 치료기법 간 연합모형 44개로 나타났다. 넷째, 연합의 기준은 획일화 되어있는 것은 아니며, 본 모형의 핵심은 다중 시스템적 접근과 인간중심주의 접근이다.

I suggested hybrid approach model which was analyzed by relation preview research. I collaborated systematically the model which was distinctive feature approach and phonological process analysis approach between collaboration, family education and involvement, phonological awareness, and humanistic centered theory. The contents were as followings. First, In whole structure aspect, I suggested the model which was total collaboration model. I contained about distinctive feature approach and phonological process analysis approach between collaboration, family education and involvement, phonological awareness, humanistic centered theory based on communication therapy philosophy. Second, In distinctive feature approach and phonological process analysis approach between collaboration possible element aspect, I suggested the point of articulation and phonological collaboration view and collaboration of distinctive feature theory and phonological processing theory. Third, I considered collaboration possible element by 3 aspects. Above of all, In humanistic centered theory based on communication therapy philosophy aspect, I contained interest communication therapy, therapy centered to humanistic purpose processing, perfection learning communication therapy. Next, family education and involvement aspect, I contained family therapy content and method. Family therapy contents were parent education, following clinic and family, solving of psychological and emotional problem, solving the conflict with brothers and sisters. And family therapy methods were prepare guidance, direct therapy, specific therapy method for family. The last, I suggested the aspect of phonological awareness for therapy contents were onset and coda awareness, for therapy methods were discrimination, composition, segmentation, replacement, deletion.

I suggested hybrid approach model which was analyzed by relation preview research. I collaborated systematically the model which was distinctive feature approach and phonological process analysis approach between collaboration, family education and involvement, phonological awareness, and humanistic centered theory. The contents were as followings. First, In whole structure aspect, I suggested the model which was total collaboration model. I contained about distinctive feature approach and phonological process analysis approach between collaboration, family education and involvement, phonological awareness, humanistic centered theory based on communication therapy philosophy. Second, In distinctive feature approach and phonological process analysis approach between collaboration possible element aspect, I suggested the point of articulation and phonological collaboration view and collaboration of distinctive feature theory and phonological processing theory. Third, I considered collaboration possible element by 3 aspects. Above of all, In humanistic centered theory based on communication therapy philosophy aspect, I contained interest communication therapy, therapy centered to humanistic purpose processing, perfection learning communication therapy. Next, family education and involvement aspect, I contained family therapy content and method. Family therapy contents were parent education, following clinic and family, solving of psychological and emotional problem, solving the conflict with brothers and sisters. And family therapy methods were prepare guidance, direct therapy, specific therapy method for family. The last, I suggested the aspect of phonological awareness for therapy contents were onset and coda awareness, for therapy methods were discrimination, composition, segmentation, replacement, deletion.