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안중근의거에 관한 선행 연구 가운데, 중국인의 인식과 관련하여 주로 혁명파들의 긍정적 반응에 초점을 맞추는 경향을 보여왔다. 즉 혁명파와 정치입장이 달랐던 입헌파의 인식이 어떠했던가는 소홀한 점이 없지 않 았다. 때문에 중국인의 인식을 다양하게 반영하는 데는 불충분한 한계를 지니고 있다. 사실은 안중근의거에 대한 중국인의 인식은 서로 다른 정 치 이념을 추구하던 혁명파와 입헌파에 따라 각기 달랐다. 혁명파는 안중근의거를 높이 평가하면서 안중근의거를 통해 암살수단 을 선전하며 일제의 침략을 폭로하였다. 혁명파의 논조에 비해 입헌파는 안중근의거를 비방하거나 안중근과 이토 히로부미를 같이 평가하는 중 립적인 태도를 보였다. 일본을 모델로 입헌운동을 추진하는 입헌파는 일 본에 대한 환상을 갖고 있었기 때문이다. 그리고 온건적인 변혁을 추구 하고 안중근 및 혁명파가 채택한 암살수단을 비판했다. 안중근의거 직후 혁명파는 안중근의거를 반일과 혁명을 선전하는 절 호의 기회로 삼아 일본 침략성을 폭로하고, 한국 망국사를 소개함으로써 국민들에게 민족위기를 각성시켜 반제민족운동의 여론을 조성해나갔다. 이 과정에서 안중근을 소재로 한 근대 시사 소설 및 일반인들이 쉽게 이 해할 수 있는 신형희극은 활용되었다. 황화강 봉기와 신해혁명에는 안중 근의거가 일정한 사상적인 영향을 미쳤다. 그러나 안중근의거와 혁명파 의 혁명 선전은 반동세력을 긴장시켜 일본과 청정부가 감시와 탄압을 강 화시키는 결과를 초래하여 중국 혁명이 타격을 받기도 했다. 동북지역에 서 활약한 웅성기의 처형 및 혁명파 유력지 『민우일보』의 폐간은 이 때 문이다. 안중근의거 직후 중국인들은 안중근의 담력과 애국정신을 존경했지만, 안중근이란 인물 및 그의 의거의 깊은 뜻을 이해하지 못했다. 안중근 및 그의 의거를 체계적으로 소개하는 자료가 결여하기 때문이었다. 안중근 에 관한 전기, 특히 박은식의 『안중근』은 동양평화사상을 소개하여 중국 인들에게 안중근이 한국뿐만 아니라 세계의 영웅임을 인식시켰으며, 한 중관계의 중요성을 강조하였다. 이로써 공감대가 형성되어 향후 중국인 이 한국의 독립운동을 지원했던 사상적인 기초가 되었다. 안중근의 의거 는 중국인들이 한국에 대한 관심과 동정을 가지게 되고 한인 지사들이 중국 혁명인사들과 친교를 맺고 ‘남사’ 같은 혁명단체에서 활약할 수 있 는데 일정한 영향을 미쳤다. 안중근의거는 중국 혁명에 지속적으로 영향을 미쳤다. 원세개와 북양 군벌 세력이 일본과 결탁해 중국이 민족위기에 놓이게 되자 중국 내 반 일과 매국노 규탄운동이 고조되었던 5·4운동 전후 시기에는, 한국 망국 의 원인이 관심의 대상으로 떠올랐다. 이때 정원은 『안중근』 전기를 통 해 이토 히로부미보다 매국역적을 먼저 처단하여야 한다는 논지를 제시 했고, 한국의 매국노를 규탄함으로써 중국인들에게 중국이 망하기 전에 중국의 매국노를 처단할 것을 호소했다. 5·4운동 이후의 중국 반제민족 운동에서는 안중근이 애국정신의 상징인물로, 안중근의 의거가 반일투쟁 의 교과서로 화극, 강연 등 형식을 통해 계속 영향을 미쳤다.

Regarding the recognition of the Chinese people about the study of An Jung-geun’s patriotic deed, there was a tendency that it was focused on the positive view of the revolutionaries. That is, the study of the recognition of the constitutionalists who had different political view from the revolutionaries has been comparatively carelessly treated. Therefore there is a limit to the study of the wide range of the Chinese view about his patriotic deed. In fact, the Chinese constitutionalists had different view about his patriotic deed from that of the revolutionaries because they sought for different political ideologies. As the revolutionaries set a high value on An Jung-geun’s deed and advertised his way of assassination, they revealed Japanese invasion. The constitutionalists, compared to the tone of the revolutionaries, gave a bad account of his patriotic deed or took a neutral attitude as they judged him the same person as Ito Hirobumi. As the constitutionalists, seeking for a movement for a constitutional government based on Japan and pursuing a moderate reform, had an illusion of Japan, they criticized the way of assassination adopted by An Jung-geun and the revolutionaries. As the revolutionaries, taking this golden opportunity to advertise anti-Japanese sentiments and revolution right after his patriotic deed, revealed Japanese invasion and introduced the Korean history of national decay to their people, they tried to awaken the people to their crisis and influence public opinion of the national movement against imperialism. In the course of their advertisement, current-affair novels and new style comedies about An Jung-geun which were easily understood by the general public were exploited. His deed ideologically influenced the Yellow River revolt and Chinese Revolution in a way. But as his patriotic deed and the advertisement of the revolutionaries made the forces of reaction nervous and caused Japan and the government of Qing dynasty to strengthen their surveillance and oppression, Chinese Revolution would suffer a blow. Because of this, Seong-Gi Woong who played an active part in Northeast area, China was executed and the publication of the influential newspaper of the revolutionaries “Minwooilbo” was discontinued. The Chinese people respected An Jung-geun’s courage and patriotism right after his patriotic deed, however, they didn’t know who he was and the profound meaning of his deed because of lack of materials systematically presenting him and his deed. As the biographies of An Jung-geun, specially “An Jung-geun” written by Eun-Sik Park introduced his “The Orient Peace Thought” to the Chinese people, it made them understand that An Jung-geun was a hero in the world as well as in Korea and emphasized the importance of Korea-China relations. As they aroused sympathy among the Chinese people, they formed the ideological basis making them support Korea’s independence movement thereafter. As his patriotic deed attracted the Chinese people’s interest and sympathy, to some extent it influenced Korean patriots to form a close relationship with Chinese revolutionary figures and take part in a revolutionary party like “Namsa”. His patriotic deed continuously influenced the Chinese Revolution. When China was at a crisis as Yuan Shihk’ai and Northern warlords were in collusion with Japan, the Chinese people started to pay attention to the cause of Korea’s ruination before and after May Fourth Movement when anti-Japanese movements and rallies censuring traitors to their country came to a climax. As Jeong Won made the point that the traitors should be punished first before punishing Ito Hirobumi in his biography of An Jung-geun and impeached the traitors to Korea, he made an appeal to the Chinese people for punishing the Chinese traitors before the ruin of China. An Jung-geun as the symbol of patriotism continued to influence the Chinese racial movement against imperialism after May Fourth Movement and his patriotic deed as the textbook of anti-Japanese struggle continued to influence the Chinese people through a play, a lecture and others.

Regarding the recognition of the Chinese people about the study of An Jung-geun’s patriotic deed, there was a tendency that it was focused on the positive view of the revolutionaries. That is, the study of the recognition of the constitutionalists who had different political view from the revolutionaries has been comparatively carelessly treated. Therefore there is a limit to the study of the wide range of the Chinese view about his patriotic deed. In fact, the Chinese constitutionalists had different view about his patriotic deed from that of the revolutionaries because they sought for different political ideologies. As the revolutionaries set a high value on An Jung-geun’s deed and advertised his way of assassination, they revealed Japanese invasion. The constitutionalists, compared to the tone of the revolutionaries, gave a bad account of his patriotic deed or took a neutral attitude as they judged him the same person as Ito Hirobumi. As the constitutionalists, seeking for a movement for a constitutional government based on Japan and pursuing a moderate reform, had an illusion of Japan, they criticized the way of assassination adopted by An Jung-geun and the revolutionaries. As the revolutionaries, taking this golden opportunity to advertise anti-Japanese sentiments and revolution right after his patriotic deed, revealed Japanese invasion and introduced the Korean history of national decay to their people, they tried to awaken the people to their crisis and influence public opinion of the national movement against imperialism. In the course of their advertisement, current-affair novels and new style comedies about An Jung-geun which were easily understood by the general public were exploited. His deed ideologically influenced the Yellow River revolt and Chinese Revolution in a way. But as his patriotic deed and the advertisement of the revolutionaries made the forces of reaction nervous and caused Japan and the government of Qing dynasty to strengthen their surveillance and oppression, Chinese Revolution would suffer a blow. Because of this, Seong-Gi Woong who played an active part in Northeast area, China was executed and the publication of the influential newspaper of the revolutionaries “Minwooilbo” was discontinued. The Chinese people respected An Jung-geun’s courage and patriotism right after his patriotic deed, however, they didn’t know who he was and the profound meaning of his deed because of lack of materials systematically presenting him and his deed. As the biographies of An Jung-geun, specially “An Jung-geun” written by Eun-Sik Park introduced his “The Orient Peace Thought” to the Chinese people, it made them understand that An Jung-geun was a hero in the world as well as in Korea and emphasized the importance of Korea-China relations. As they aroused sympathy among the Chinese people, they formed the ideological basis making them support Korea’s independence movement thereafter. As his patriotic deed attracted the Chinese people’s interest and sympathy, to some extent it influenced Korean patriots to form a close relationship with Chinese revolutionary figures and take part in a revolutionary party like “Namsa”. His patriotic deed continuously influenced the Chinese Revolution. When China was at a crisis as Yuan Shihk’ai and Northern warlords were in collusion with Japan, the Chinese people started to pay attention to the cause of Korea’s ruination before and after May Fourth Movement when anti-Japanese movements and rallies censuring traitors to their country came to a climax. As Jeong Won made the point that the traitors should be punished first before punishing Ito Hirobumi in his biography of An Jung-geun and impeached the traitors to Korea, he made an appeal to the Chinese people for punishing the Chinese traitors before the ruin of China. An Jung-geun as the symbol of patriotism continued to influence the Chinese racial movement against imperialism after May Fourth Movement and his patriotic deed as the textbook of anti-Japanese struggle continued to influence the Chinese people through a play, a lecture and others.