초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to analyze the different functions and suggest grammatically correctusage by looking at the characteristics of the following conjugated forms of ノダ(noda) which are “するのか(surunoka),” “するの?(suruno),“ and ”する?(suru).“The main functions of “するのか(surunoka),” “するの?(suruno),“ and ”する?(suru)“ are 《疑い(utagai)》,《質問(sitsumon)》and 《確認(kakunin)》. The first distinguishable element in comparing these threefunctions used for “するのか(surunoka),” “するの?(suruno),“ and ”する?(suru)“ is intonation. It ispinpointed on how the sentence-ending particle ”の“ functions differently according to the intonation. Second differentiating element focuses on functional characteristics of such words. As a result of analyzing, it was found that 《疑い(interrogative)》shows difference in functionsbetween the usage in a monologue and a dialogue, 《質問(question)》 shows difference in meaningaccording to true-false interrogative, optional interrogative, and supplementary interrogative. How thelistener related awareness and the preceding context differenciated the meaning of 《確認(confirmation)》.