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점차 심화되고 있는 북한의 에너지 위기는 북한 사회의 경제적 측면뿐만 아니라 사회 및 정치, 나아가서는 국제 사회에서의 북한의 외교정책에까지 영향을 미치는 것은 물론 남한의 군사적, 정치적 위협 요인이 되고 있다. 북한의 에너지난 타개를 위해 여러 회담의 주요 사안으로 에너지 지원을 요구하고 있으며, 내부적으로는 에너지 공급 제한 등의 정책을 시행하고 있으나 이는 미봉책에 불과하다. 현실적으로 수력 및 화력발전소를 신규 건설하거나 개보수를 통한 성능개선 방안이 적절해보이지만 기후변화 시대에 온실가스를 감축할 수밖에 없는 필요의 측면에서 보면 부적절하다. 그렇다고 원자력을 건설하는 방안을 제안해서도 안 된다. 초기 비용이 다소 소요되더라도 신재생에너지를 지원하는 방안이 가장 적합해 보인다. 북한에 신재생에너지를 지원하게 되면, 남한의 신재생에너지 산업도 성장하고 일자리도 창출되기 때문이다. 게다가 기후변화 시대에 걸맞은 청정개발체제(CDM)를 통해 북한에서 줄어드는 이산화탄소량 만큼 판매할 수 있는 권리를 획득하게 되니, 남북이 서로 좋은 방법이다. 정치적으로도 한반도 갈등 요인의 근원을 해소할 수 있고 경제적으로는 장기적으로 경제성 확보와 일자리 창출 효과에 도움이 될 것이다. 무엇보다 북한 주민들의 생존권이라는 인권 확보에 크게 보탬이 될 것이다. 북한에 처음부터 뿌리를 내리는 에너지시스템은 마땅히 신재생에너지여야 한다. 남한이 북한을 도와 신재생에너지 산업과 기술이 잘 발달되도록 한다면 이는 북한의 에너지 위기를 해결할 뿐만 아니라 남한 내의 에너지 위기도 극복할 수 있는 좋은 방안이 될 것으로 보인다. 북한에 신재생에너지를 지원하게 되면, 남한의 신재생에너지 산업도 성장하고 일자리도 창출되기 때문이다. 이를 통하여 사회 경제 전반의 안정화에 기여할 수 있는 방안인지 그 가능성을 모색하고자 한다.

This study examines the appropriate mechanisms to assist North Korea for its revitalization of electricity sector and to cooperate in power industries between two Koreas. Oil and gas power plants are not appropriate to North Korea because of high fuel costs and requirement of pipeline construction for supplying natural gas to the power plants. On the whole, a new and large power plant would not be a feasible option for increasing electricity supply under the current obsolete power grid system in North Korea. In North Korea, forests are severely damaged, energy facility is aged, energy efficiency is low, and portion of fossil energy is high, where CDM investment potential is very high. The Feasibility on the application of CDM to the electricity cooperation projects between two Koreas is studies. Furthermore energy supporting project is also being promoted by North Korea in terms of policy, and therefore it is expected to satisfy spontaneous requirement too. In the field of North Korea’s new and renewable energy, CDM project potential was analyzed from wind power, solar energy and bioenergy. In the case of new and renewable energy power generation project including wind power, however, it is deemed difficult to promote due to its less economic feasibility in spite of large amount of cost accompanied. In addition, it requires current into alternate current when the electricity is supplied from new and renewable energy. Even apart from economic feasibility, power supply from new and renewable energy power generation constructed in North Korea is probably not produced in efficient manner because of degraded electric power T&D network of North Korea. Accordingly, it is deemed recommendable for new and renewable energy power generation to be carried out as the pilot project in small scale restricted to a specific area in North Korea regardless of its electric power T&D network. In view of a variety of results derived from this study, in order to promote CDM project in North Korea, the most important thing of all for North Korea is to announce highly reliable policy including CDM investment to the external world. In conclusion, it would be necessary South Korea to approach it from the aspect that mid-and long-term development support for North Korea instead of short-term profit would result in win-win relations between South-North.

This study examines the appropriate mechanisms to assist North Korea for its revitalization of electricity sector and to cooperate in power industries between two Koreas. Oil and gas power plants are not appropriate to North Korea because of high fuel costs and requirement of pipeline construction for supplying natural gas to the power plants. On the whole, a new and large power plant would not be a feasible option for increasing electricity supply under the current obsolete power grid system in North Korea. In North Korea, forests are severely damaged, energy facility is aged, energy efficiency is low, and portion of fossil energy is high, where CDM investment potential is very high. The Feasibility on the application of CDM to the electricity cooperation projects between two Koreas is studies. Furthermore energy supporting project is also being promoted by North Korea in terms of policy, and therefore it is expected to satisfy spontaneous requirement too. In the field of North Korea’s new and renewable energy, CDM project potential was analyzed from wind power, solar energy and bioenergy. In the case of new and renewable energy power generation project including wind power, however, it is deemed difficult to promote due to its less economic feasibility in spite of large amount of cost accompanied. In addition, it requires current into alternate current when the electricity is supplied from new and renewable energy. Even apart from economic feasibility, power supply from new and renewable energy power generation constructed in North Korea is probably not produced in efficient manner because of degraded electric power T&D network of North Korea. Accordingly, it is deemed recommendable for new and renewable energy power generation to be carried out as the pilot project in small scale restricted to a specific area in North Korea regardless of its electric power T&D network. In view of a variety of results derived from this study, in order to promote CDM project in North Korea, the most important thing of all for North Korea is to announce highly reliable policy including CDM investment to the external world. In conclusion, it would be necessary South Korea to approach it from the aspect that mid-and long-term development support for North Korea instead of short-term profit would result in win-win relations between South-North.