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安龍福의 존재와 행적은 독도영유권 논쟁의 핵심이다. 안용복은 당대는 물론이고 일제강점기에도 영토를 지킨 인물로 기억되면서 그의 행적이 재현되었다. 민족적 이미지와 결합하면서 역사적 인물로 재현된 것은 그가 민족의 현실적 과제를 해결하기 위한 대안으로 여겼기 때문이다. 안용복이 1920년대 『逸士遺事』를 통해 민족적 인물로 거듭나면서 호걸의 칭호를 얻은 것은 영토문제와 외교권을 회복시켜 줄 인물을 염원한 시대의 희망과 결합된 결과였다. 그는 『동광』을 통해 쾌걸로 거듭나면서 올바른 일·통쾌한 일을 한 호걸로 이미지화 되었다. 일제에게 빼앗긴 주권을 되찾는 통쾌한 일을 그를 통해 염원했던 것이다. 안용복은 1930년대 해상의 쾌인용사로 이미지화 되면서 일제의 민족말살정책에 대한 저항의 인물로 그려졌다. 1940년대에는 늠름한 기상을 지닌 무사로 거듭났지만, 파쇼체제에 맞서기 어려운 조선의 현실과도 같은 무사의 모습이었다. 그러나 안용복의 동상건립을 통해 장쾌한 의협을 이어가려는 점에서는 희망이 보였다. 안용복의 다양한 이미지하의 변화는 시대정신, 시대적 과제와 맥락을 함께 했고, 오늘날 안용복이 울릉도·독도와 연계되는 상식이 되게 하였다.
An Yong-bok has been remembered as a figure defending his country in the period of Japanese occupation as well as contemporary. His existence and achievements are the core of the debate about Korean territorial claims on Dokdo. He was reappeared as a historical figure who was combined with a nationalism image. Because it was considered that he was the alternative for solving national realistic problems. An Yong-bok was reborn as a historical character and won the title ‘hero’ due to Ilsayusa in the 1920s. His title was the result combined him with the hope of age that expected to rehabilitate dominium and diplomatic rights. And he was imaged as the hero who did a right thing and a great pleasant thing due to Donggwang. Korean people wished that he regained sovereignty lost to Japan. An Yong-bok got an image of the marine hero that was resistant to ethnic extermination policy of Japan in the 1930s. He was reappeared as a warrior who had with a manly mien but looked like with the realities of the Joseon Dynasty that were hard to resist the fascist regime in the 1940s. We wish to inherit a delightful and righteous achievements by constructing a statue of An Yong-bok. His various image transformation was in the same context of the spirit and the task of the age, and was the cause that he is connected with Ulleungdo and Dokdo at the present day.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
An Yong-bok, Dokdo, the title hero, a manly mien, a warrior, image transformation