초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Gilnori is a performance in the road and people generally recognize road performance to be just an array of pre-performance going to performance field with Korean classic music before the main performances as folk music and mask performance are opened. However, in the traditional society, Gilnori was carried out to collect funds of ritual festival in village community and itself had a perfect system with a ritual function and characteristic. Namely, Gilnori has characteristics of Road Gut in a form of carrying out a collective ceremony. Therefore, road performance differs from a simple parade for a fixed destination and expresses various cultural patterns in a road by combining with community religion. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze Gilnori performance methods of Daedonggut and to draw Gilnori principles by paying attention to Gilnori separately in the context of community ceremony and Daedongnoli. Ritual Gilnori have a parade by doing Dang (堂) in order with god's symbol or shape and its form or contents are changed along a route moving with the god. Gilnori can make various dramatic situations or performances enough according to each parade method. Group-ritual Gilnori have a brutal rank order from in the front row of a parade to the rear row. Also, Gilnori connects the god's dwelling place with community space solidly and in a double-track line in gearing of unordinary time. The process from Seonangdang to community space is a process of god incarnate described objectively with the passage of time and the movement of space. A new mundane world is created from the existing god world and a new god world is created from the mundane world by the movement of Gilnori. A kind of intersection is a space of Gilnori. When there are the mundane world and the god world, a scope belonging to the mundane world and the god world commonly is a space of Gilnori. In the event of Gilnori, creative methods and parade forms handed down in the relation with performance parade infrastructure handed down in a village fundamentally. Irregularly, forms, contents and group acts of Gilnori are created while the internal/external factors of situation interact. Therefore, performance methods of group-ritual Gilnori originated with recognition of members of village community by going through tradition and transformation continuously in the network of social/cultural value and meaning.