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설화의 분석모형 가운데 하나인 ‘화소체계에 의한 현장론적 분석모형’은 그 동안 연구의 한 방법론으로서 이상적 모델이기는 하나, 실용적 모델이라 하기에는 제약이 있었다. 필자는 이 연구를 통해 기존 분석모형이 가지고 있는 방법상의 제약을 해결할 수 있는 보조적 분석틀을 제시하였다. 기존 분석모형에서 제시된 분석층위, 분석항목, 현장층위, 현장상황 가운데 ‘분석층위’의 부분을 변용하였다. 유형의 ‘원유형과 변이유형’을 ‘지역별 유형’으로, 각편의 ‘기본형과 변이형’을 ‘화자별 각편’으로 고쳐서 설정한 것이다. 문헌적 계보에 입각한 원형추론에서 벗어나, 설화의 유형은 지역의 문화적 상황 속에서 제각기 만들어진 ‘지역별 유형’들이 존재하며, 각편은 이야기꾼의 창조력에 의해 만들어진 ‘화자별 각편’들이 다양하게 존재한다는 설화학계 동향을 적극 수용한 것이다. 분석층위를 이렇게 변용하여도 ‘분석층위’와 ‘분석항목’과 ‘현장상황’의 상호관계는 기존 이론과 같은 순환관계를 이루었다. 이 가설에 따른 작업을 하기 위해 ‘용 싸움에 끼어든 도조’ 유형 설화를 분석 각편으로 정하였으며, 일정한 분석틀의 제시와 함께 최종적으로 이 설화를 구조적으로 이해하는 데까지 끌어올렸다.

Among various analytic model's of tale "filed-contextual analysis trough the tale element system" had been the ideal methodology to study, but it couldn't be said to be the practical method. The writter has proposed a solution to the methodological limitations of the existing analytic model by offering a supplementary analytic method. Among the analysis stratum, analysis item, field layer, field condition that are from the existing analytic model, the analysis stratum has been modified. The two types "identity type and variation type" has been fixed to "regional types" and the "fundamental form and variation form" in version has been set to "teller's version" . Going beyond identity reasoning based on genealogy of Korean literature, this thereby accepts the tale academic world's trend that there exists differences between different regions as in "regional types" and that each version is different based on the teller of the story. Even as the analysis stratum has been modified the other 'analysis item', 'field layer', 'field condition' interrelation still remained as usual. In order to prove this theory the written tale of "the sharecrop caught in the fight of the dragon" has been chosen to be analyzed, and with the given method can be understood even the structure of the tale.

Among various analytic model's of tale "filed-contextual analysis trough the tale element system" had been the ideal methodology to study, but it couldn't be said to be the practical method. The writter has proposed a solution to the methodological limitations of the existing analytic model by offering a supplementary analytic method. Among the analysis stratum, analysis item, field layer, field condition that are from the existing analytic model, the analysis stratum has been modified. The two types "identity type and variation type" has been fixed to "regional types" and the "fundamental form and variation form" in version has been set to "teller's version" . Going beyond identity reasoning based on genealogy of Korean literature, this thereby accepts the tale academic world's trend that there exists differences between different regions as in "regional types" and that each version is different based on the teller of the story. Even as the analysis stratum has been modified the other 'analysis item', 'field layer', 'field condition' interrelation still remained as usual. In order to prove this theory the written tale of "the sharecrop caught in the fight of the dragon" has been chosen to be analyzed, and with the given method can be understood even the structure of the tale.