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이 논문은 그동안 한국정부와 유네스코는 공동으로 무형문화재제도를 보급하였으며, 이를 아시아 여러 나라에서 수용하여 정책적인 변화가 일어나고 있는지를 고찰하는데 목적이 있다. 아사아 국가들은 우선 무형문화재제도가 운영되고 있는 국가와 비운영국가를 우선 구분하였고, 비운영국가를 다민족국가․사회주의 국가․신흥국가로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 일본은 기존의 무형문화재의 개념에서 제외되는 근대생활문화유산의 보호와 관리를 위해 적극적으로 사업을 추진하고 있다. 또한 대만은 민족예술과 민속을 문화자산으로서 일찍이 관광정책과 연계하고 있으며, 각급 학교교육을 통해 전승되도록 문화자산보존법에서 명시하여 운용되는 특징이 있다. 동아시아의 다민족국가인 인도네시아, 태국, 인도, 필리핀 등은 소수민족의 전통성과 민족 언어가 사라지는 것에 대한 대책으로 무형문화유산보호에 대해 정책적인 배려를 하고 있다. 특히 매스컴의 발달은 언어의 표준화를 가져왔으며, 소수민족의 언어 보존을 위해 설화를 보존하기위한 노력이 돋보이며 대중매체나 정규교육에 민족설화를 편성 수록하는 정책을 추진하고 있다. 사회주의국가에서 유물론에 바탕을 둔 유형문화보호정책에 중점을 두었으며 무형문화유산에 대한 정책을 실시한 것은 유네스코의 영향에 의해서이다. 중국이나 베트남은 유네스코의 협약에 가입하면서 무형문화재제도를 적극 추진하고 있다. 한편 중앙아시아의 신흥독립국가인 우즈베키스탄과 키르키즈스탄과 같은 국가는 독립국가로서의 정체성과 경제적 재건을 위해 무형유산을 활용하는 정책적으로 전개하고 있다. 이러한 독립 국가들은 구 소련으로부터 독립되었기에 사회주의 영향이 강하게 남아있으며 노동계층이었던 전통 수공예기술자들에 지원하며 이들의 작품을 보존하기위해 박물관을 활용하고 있다. 또한 이들의 수공예품은 관광 상품으로서 활용하여 경제적인 효과를 기대하고 있다.

The main purpose of this paper is to examine political changes on Intangible Cultural Heritage managing system after the government of the Republic of Korea and UNESCO introduced ‘Living Human Treasure System’ as intangible cultural heritage policy. For this, I categorized safeguarding systems for Intangible Cultural Heritage into two groups according to operational body: by a government; by non-governmental organizations. Besides, latter will be divided into another three categories: Multiracial nations, Socialist states, and Newly-emerging nations. Japanese government has strongly continued to promote safeguarding projects for modern living heritage which exclude from the Intangible cultural heritage boundary. Ethnic tradition and folk art are recognized as excellent resource for tourism development in Taiwan. It can be found on the Cultural Heritage Protection Law that express each school education system should include their Intangible cultural heritage program during the semester. Many multiracial nations in East Asia region include Indonesia, Thailand, India, Philippines, etc. have run the protection system to stop disappearing the minority race’s languages and fading out their identity. Specially, mass media has brought language standardization. It is worth note that government makes sure than broadcast company should produce TV programs that include ethnic tales and formal school also need to teach tradition education for safeguarding languages and ethnic tales of the minority race. In most socialist states, cultural heritage policy which focused on Tangible heritage is normally based on materialism. It has been only few years since UNESCO introduced the system that they imply intangible cultural heritage system to their policy. Thus, China and Vietnam ratified Convention of the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. These two countries are actively promoting the ICH safeguarding system. In addition to newly-emerging nations’ policy such as Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan also promote their heritage in order to rebuild their national identity and economic development. These countries were member of Russia Federation once, so they still have strong influence of socialism. Craftsmen were working class before independence and now government supports the craftsmen to transmit their culture and art. The artifacts done by craftsmen are displayed in museums. The government expects that success of their art work will lead them to economic development in tourism industry.

The main purpose of this paper is to examine political changes on Intangible Cultural Heritage managing system after the government of the Republic of Korea and UNESCO introduced ‘Living Human Treasure System’ as intangible cultural heritage policy. For this, I categorized safeguarding systems for Intangible Cultural Heritage into two groups according to operational body: by a government; by non-governmental organizations. Besides, latter will be divided into another three categories: Multiracial nations, Socialist states, and Newly-emerging nations. Japanese government has strongly continued to promote safeguarding projects for modern living heritage which exclude from the Intangible cultural heritage boundary. Ethnic tradition and folk art are recognized as excellent resource for tourism development in Taiwan. It can be found on the Cultural Heritage Protection Law that express each school education system should include their Intangible cultural heritage program during the semester. Many multiracial nations in East Asia region include Indonesia, Thailand, India, Philippines, etc. have run the protection system to stop disappearing the minority race’s languages and fading out their identity. Specially, mass media has brought language standardization. It is worth note that government makes sure than broadcast company should produce TV programs that include ethnic tales and formal school also need to teach tradition education for safeguarding languages and ethnic tales of the minority race. In most socialist states, cultural heritage policy which focused on Tangible heritage is normally based on materialism. It has been only few years since UNESCO introduced the system that they imply intangible cultural heritage system to their policy. Thus, China and Vietnam ratified Convention of the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. These two countries are actively promoting the ICH safeguarding system. In addition to newly-emerging nations’ policy such as Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan also promote their heritage in order to rebuild their national identity and economic development. These countries were member of Russia Federation once, so they still have strong influence of socialism. Craftsmen were working class before independence and now government supports the craftsmen to transmit their culture and art. The artifacts done by craftsmen are displayed in museums. The government expects that success of their art work will lead them to economic development in tourism industry.