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The fossilized words of lost lexical unit ‘-알/을-’ are not loan words but all native tongues. Until now, their numbers are total 88. They are classified into three types acorrdings to the part of speech. In other words ‘an uninflected word’ type, ‘an inflect word’ type and ‘a mimetic word’ type. Consequentially the following results were obtained. From what has been discussed, I could conclude that as a result, the fossilized words of lost lexical unit ‘-알/을-’ in Korean had derived from the roots in varuous internal structures etymologically. An uninflected words were total 33. From among these, the number of their auslauts were 19 and were 2 syllable’s words all. And the fossilized words of lost lexical unit ‘-알/을-’ that appeared in the middle of the uninflected words were 14 from 2 syllable’s words until 4 syllable’s words. An inflected words were total 42. From among these, the number of their auslauts were 13 and were 2 syllable’s words all. And the fossilized words of lost lexical unit ‘-알/을-’ that appeared in the middle of the inflected words were 29 from 3 syllable’s words until 4 syllable’s words. Finally the fossilized words of lost lexical unit ‘-알/을-’ were not appeared in onomatopoeia but ‘mimetic word’ type only. The fossilized words of lost lexical unit ‘-알/을-’ in the mimetic words were total 13 in Korean.