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The goal of this paper is to study the Narrative-Poetry of The Period of Emancipation and Poetic and Emotional Sympathy. Untill now, When we see the emotional sympathy, We have emphsized a poet, poet's internalization, poet's subjectivity. We have considered these factors as decisive something in Poetic and Emotional Sympathy. but, Many poetries which are unrelated with this a poet, poet's internalization, poet's subjectivity can create too Emotional Sympathy. The Narrative-Poetry of The Period of Emancipation are included in this kinds. The Narrative-Poetry of The Period of Emancipation aroused Emotional Sympathy although don't have poet's internalization, poet's subjectivity, poetic language, rhythmic beauty in language. This is possible when we see the poet in view of an ‘arrangement'. The Narrative-Poetry of The Period of Emancipation were enjoyed not reading poetry but reciting poetry. When we see the Narrative-Poetry of The Period of Emancipation, we need to see these poetries in oral communication context. When we see these poetries like this, we can see the poetic and emotional symphathy.