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2013년 4월부터 11월까지 전라남도 곡성군 지역을 대상으로 들쥐를 포획하고 기생하는 털진드기의 분포를 조사하였다. 597개의trap에서 79마리를 포획하여 포획률은 13.2%였고, 종류별로는 등줄쥐가 92.4%를 차지하여 절대 우점종이었다. 79마리의 들쥐중68마리에 털진드기가 기생하고 있어 86.0%의 기생률을 보였고, 74.5개체의 chigger index를 보였다. 5,063개체의 채집한 털진드기는 2속 6종으로 동정되었고, 활순털진드기가 3,535개체(69.8%) 로 절대적인 우점종이었다. 계절별로 봄철에는 대잎털진드기, 가을철에는 활순털진드기가 높은 밀도로 채집되어 진드기종의 분포가 채집시기에 따라 차이가 있었다.

The distribution and population density of rodents and chigger mites were investigated between April 2013 and November 2013 in the Gokseong-gun of Jeollanam-do, Korea. A total of 79 rodents were collected using Sherman collapsible traps, and among them, 73 were Apodemus agrarius (92.4%), 4 were Crocidura lasiura (5.0%), and 2 were Microtus fortis (2.5%). Sixty-eight out of the 79 rodents were parasitized by chiggers, showing an infestation rate of 86.0% and a chigger index of 74.5; the chigger index of A. agrarius was 75.4. From the trapped field rodents, 5,063 chigger mites were collected and identified with 6 species of 2 genera. Leptotrombidium scutellare was the dominant species with 3,535 chiggers (69.8%), followed by L. pallidum with 777 chiggers (15.3%). This results showed that the distribution of chigger mites differ in dominant species according to seasons. L. pallidum was the predominant chigger collected in April (34.3%), May (70.0%), and June (55.1%); whereas L. scutellare was the predominant chigger collected in September (75.5%), October (71.8%), and November (74.2%).