초록 열기/닫기 버튼


Many methods for measuring total urinary protein have been described and compared. We evaluated the analytical performance of pyrogallol red molybdate(PRM) and 12.5% trichloroacetic acid(TCA) turbidimeπy methods for total urinary protein according to NCCLS guidelines. The PRM method showed a wide range of linearity and good precision. Within-day CVs of 2.4 % and 1.0 % and between-day CVs of 3.7 % and 1.0 % were observed at mean protein concentrations of 18.6 mgldL and 68.5 mg⁄dL, respectively. The PRM method is simple, rapid and accurate and was the wide range of linearity more than the TCA turbidimetry method So, we conclude that the automated PRM method is an acceptable and practical alternative to the 12.5 % TCA turbidimetry method for the quantitation of urine protein.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Pyrogallol red molybdate, Trichloroacetic acid