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심하전투(1619)는 17세기 동아시아 각국의 세력 판도를 변화시킨 일대 사건이었다. 조선은 이 전투에 1만 5천여 명을 파병하였으나 9천여 명이 전사하는 처참한 패배를 경험하였다. 처참한 패배로 기록된 심하전투에서의 영웅은 단연 끝까지 항전한 김응하였다. 박희현은 <김장군전>을 지어 그의 죽음을 기렸다. <김장군전>은 走回人과 도망자의 기억과 증언으로 이루어진 텍스트이다. 박희현은 김응하에 대한 기억과 증언을 통해 그가 수양한 인물이자 항전한 인물로 형상화하였고 그 결과 그를 숭고화하는 데 성공했다. 이러한 <김장군전>에서 주목할 지점은 중화주의의 이념이 미학적으로 형상화된다는 점이다. 김응하의 죽음은 그 자체로 비장한 사건이었지만, 미적 전이 과정을 거쳐 숭고미를 띠게 된다. 이러한 과정을 통해 김응하의 죽음은 숭고한 것이 되고, 중화주의의 이념과 결합된다. 중화의 이념을 미적으로 승화시킨 <김장군전>이 당대에 끼친 영향은 역사적 맥락에 대한 고려를 통해 논의되어야 한다. 김응하의 항전이 명나라의 추가 파병에 대한 거절의 근거가 될 수 있었다는 지적은 일견 타당할 수 있으나, <김장군전>도 이러한 관점으로 보는 것은 무리가 따른다. 중화를 침범한 후금에 대한 비난보다, 항장에 대한 강한 비난이 감지되는 <김장군전>의 표적은 현실론을 펼친 광해군으로 보아야 합당하다. 광해군 대에 간행된 『충렬록』은 현실론을 주장하는 王權에 대한 臣權 차원에서의 견제로 작용했던 것이다. <김장군전>은 후대의 문인들에게 지속적인 영향을 끼친 텍스트이다. <김장군전>이 실린 『충렬록』은 총 4회 간행되었으며, 당색과 계층을 초월하여 다수의 문인들이 김응하에 대한 서사를 남긴 바 있다. 현실론을 펼치고자 했던 광해군과 달리, 정조는 『중간충렬록』을 왕명으로 간행하여 중화주의의 이념적 숭고성을 이룩했다. 김응하 서사의 다양한 양상은 ‘정치적 주관의 추구’, ‘사실 추구’, ‘이념적 포섭과 강화’의 3단계로 살필 수 있다. 김응하를 대표로 한 大明義理의 숭고한 이념은 부침을 겪으면서도 표면적으로는 강화된 것으로 보이나 이면의 균열적 면모도 찾을 수 있다.

The Simha-jeontu(深河戰鬪), the battle of Simha(深河) was a momentous incident that affected the relations of East Asian countries in the 17th century. The Joseon Dynasty dispatched 15,000 troops into the battle, but 9,000 people were killed in action. Besides the Simha-jeontu(深河戰鬪) was branded as a gruesome defeat, the only hero in the battlefield was Kim Eung-ha by his heroic death. Park Hui-hyeon, one of the literary men in the Joseon Dynasty created the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」). The Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」), the narrative for Kim Eung-ha’s life is a text of the memory and testimony owned by the dispatched. Through the creative writing, Park Hui-hyeon figured Kim Eung-ha as a self-cultured and fighting man. Consequently Kim Eung-ha became a sublime hero by virtue of this work. An important point the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」) has is Sino-centralism that symbolized by aesthetic ideals. The death of Kim Eung-ha, a tragic event in itself takes on the sublime beauty through a process of aesthetic transition. It should be discussed with regard to the aesthetic category of the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」). Kim Eung-ha’s behavior was sublimated into an aesthetic ideology of Sino-centralism by the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」). It is an appropriate point of view that the Ming Dynasty’s request for additional troops could have been refused softly by the sublimed story of Kim Eung-ha. But the purpose of the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」) had been also to refuse the request of the Ming Dynasty might have something unreasonable. Paying due regard to such factors like that the generals who had surrendered have been condemned extremely more than the blame for the Later Jin Dynasty(後金), the target of the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」) might have been some insiders in the Joseon Dynasty. In this estimation, the target might be representatively the 15th king of the Joseon Dynasty, Gwanghaegun(光海君). The Chungyeol-rok(『忠烈錄』)- the records of devoted and faithful lists the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」) could be classified one of the publication that holds each other in check between the power of throne(王权) and the power of retainers(臣权). The subsequent writers had been affected by the text of the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」). The Chungyeol-rok(『忠烈錄』) had been published four times. And manifold literary men had left some kinds of the narrative for Kim Eung-ha. The 22th king of the Joseon Dynasty, Jungjo(正祖) who had published the Reprint of Chungyeol-rok(『重刊忠烈錄』) built an ideologic sublime of Sino-centralism. The series of the narratives for Kim Eung-ha shows three phases. That is ‘the pursuit of political subjectivity’, ‘the pursuit of facts’ and ‘the placation and consolidation of ideology’. Representing the loyalty to the Ming Dynasty, the narrative for Kim Eung-ha had been suffered the ups and downs of the noble ideals.

The Simha-jeontu(深河戰鬪), the battle of Simha(深河) was a momentous incident that affected the relations of East Asian countries in the 17th century. The Joseon Dynasty dispatched 15,000 troops into the battle, but 9,000 people were killed in action. Besides the Simha-jeontu(深河戰鬪) was branded as a gruesome defeat, the only hero in the battlefield was Kim Eung-ha by his heroic death. Park Hui-hyeon, one of the literary men in the Joseon Dynasty created the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」). The Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」), the narrative for Kim Eung-ha’s life is a text of the memory and testimony owned by the dispatched. Through the creative writing, Park Hui-hyeon figured Kim Eung-ha as a self-cultured and fighting man. Consequently Kim Eung-ha became a sublime hero by virtue of this work. An important point the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」) has is Sino-centralism that symbolized by aesthetic ideals. The death of Kim Eung-ha, a tragic event in itself takes on the sublime beauty through a process of aesthetic transition. It should be discussed with regard to the aesthetic category of the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」). Kim Eung-ha’s behavior was sublimated into an aesthetic ideology of Sino-centralism by the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」). It is an appropriate point of view that the Ming Dynasty’s request for additional troops could have been refused softly by the sublimed story of Kim Eung-ha. But the purpose of the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」) had been also to refuse the request of the Ming Dynasty might have something unreasonable. Paying due regard to such factors like that the generals who had surrendered have been condemned extremely more than the blame for the Later Jin Dynasty(後金), the target of the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」) might have been some insiders in the Joseon Dynasty. In this estimation, the target might be representatively the 15th king of the Joseon Dynasty, Gwanghaegun(光海君). The Chungyeol-rok(『忠烈錄』)- the records of devoted and faithful lists the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」) could be classified one of the publication that holds each other in check between the power of throne(王权) and the power of retainers(臣权). The subsequent writers had been affected by the text of the Kimjanggun-jeon(「金將軍傳」). The Chungyeol-rok(『忠烈錄』) had been published four times. And manifold literary men had left some kinds of the narrative for Kim Eung-ha. The 22th king of the Joseon Dynasty, Jungjo(正祖) who had published the Reprint of Chungyeol-rok(『重刊忠烈錄』) built an ideologic sublime of Sino-centralism. The series of the narratives for Kim Eung-ha shows three phases. That is ‘the pursuit of political subjectivity’, ‘the pursuit of facts’ and ‘the placation and consolidation of ideology’. Representing the loyalty to the Ming Dynasty, the narrative for Kim Eung-ha had been suffered the ups and downs of the noble ideals.