초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Jong-Ryule, Lee(1902~1989) was born at the time the Japan have set about a colonial invasion of Chosun in earnest. He was the one of revolutionists who took active parts in national revolution movement. In the heart of history of Korean revolution movement, he worked hard for national independence and national unification. Jong-Ryule, Lee devoted all his life to national revolution movement including the development of Kwangju student movement and the Singan-hoi movement under Japanese colonial rule, the many-sided activities for national independence-unification movement after 1945 Liberation, the participation of presidential election and unification movement in the 1950s, and important parts in the foundation of the Minjok ilbo and the establishment and activities of the Minjatong in the 1960s, etc. Concerning the joint communique of 15 June 2000 between the South and the North of Korea, it is absolutely necessary for us to know a life and theory of national revolution of Jong-Ryule, Lee, and more important to take notice of his many-sided activities. In his view theory of national revolution consists of the level of Human Revolution through the development of National Revolution based on the people's capitalism -democratism. He suggested that the line of national revolution be set up according to our historical reality, and its contents be sum up 3 Anti-movement based on Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Compradore Capital, Anti-Feudalism. The priority objective of national revolution is national unification by means of national independence and its philosophical episteme is based on active materialism developed the existing materialism in a new level. Revolution)∙keyword∙

Jong-Ryule, Lee(1902~1989) was born at the time the Japan have set about a colonial invasion of Chosun in earnest. He was the one of revolutionists who took active parts in national revolution movement. In the heart of history of Korean revolution movement, he worked hard for national independence and national unification. Jong-Ryule, Lee devoted all his life to national revolution movement including the development of Kwangju student movement and the Singan-hoi movement under Japanese colonial rule, the many-sided activities for national independence-unification movement after 1945 Liberation, the participation of presidential election and unification movement in the 1950s, and important parts in the foundation of the Minjok ilbo and the establishment and activities of the Minjatong in the 1960s, etc. Concerning the joint communique of 15 June 2000 between the South and the North of Korea, it is absolutely necessary for us to know a life and theory of national revolution of Jong-Ryule, Lee, and more important to take notice of his many-sided activities. In his view theory of national revolution consists of the level of Human Revolution through the development of National Revolution based on the people's capitalism -democratism. He suggested that the line of national revolution be set up according to our historical reality, and its contents be sum up 3 Anti-movement based on Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Compradore Capital, Anti-Feudalism. The priority objective of national revolution is national unification by means of national independence and its philosophical episteme is based on active materialism developed the existing materialism in a new level. Revolution)∙keyword∙