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This study examines the Multitude in the Era of the Globalisation of the 21st century. In my Opinion Multitude needs to be defined in oder to overcome and reconstruct Subject as Class-Subject of the Industry Era. Today we may call no more such Class-Subject as the just Subject. Especially in my study Multitude is going to be postulated by Michel Hardt and Antonio Negri. According to them Multitude may to be a just and more representative Subject of the Era of the Globalisation. On the other hand it could be not mere representative as a Singularity of Subject as a Class, more plurality and Complex Subject as Subject of History. Because there are many Subjects we can not identify today. Nevertheless since the 70 years Minjung of Korea has been to be not only as the Class-Subject of History, but also more as just Subject of History which suffers under perverty and violence at the same time overcomes those. Therefore my study would be a comparative study on Multitude and Minjung for Reconstructing the Subject of the 21st century. For this Reconstructing also the practical category ‘memory, narrative and solidarity’ in the Political Theology of J. B. Metz could be applicated as a pracitical Alternatve. For Metz Citizen would have been more Subjects which in Solidarity with Victims of the Globalisation together protests. According to him Christian Church must be a Base-Community als Medium of Memory of Victims for reconstructing Subject of Globalisation. Therefore in my Opinion Minjung Theology and Political Theology as Dialectic Theology today must accept Challenges and Chances such as Multitude in oder to reconstruct Subject of Christian Church and Theology.