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The activation of spiritual energy is required for everyone. In general we re-ceive energy from happy and meaningful experiences. However, the experiences of meaninglessness and discomfort drop the level of mental energy dramatically. We all need to be especially aware of the production and maintenance of spiritual energy. The quality of life depends upon this for each person. This paper proposes the various channels through which people can find practical methods for acti-vating their spiritual energy. Among many, God is the very first and the very best one, although it is based only on the faith of each individual. It is not effective for people who don’t believe in the power of God. The spiritual energy becomes real only if one believes in the miracles of God. Of course there are other channels such as love, play, labor, trance, affective attunement, dreaming and symbolization. Dreaming and symbolization are especially important because of their capacity to digest various life problems and transform them into the source of creative and productive activities. Dreams and symbols counteract the pervasive power of en-tropy so that life can be better controlled. Symptoms are, in general, regarded as the stumbling block for growth and achievement. However, psychoanalysts and philosophers like Zizek declares that the symptom is the revelation of God. We need to figure out the message of God by identifying the symptom fully and so-phistically. The tools like interpretation and language are the ones that allow a person to be changed into a psychological and spiritual being from the physical being. Mindell argues that inner revolution helps get one’s energy level up expo-nentialy. In the language of Christianity, this is the same as the working-through process of repentance and second-birth.