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The rapid development of science and technology has led us to think over what and who the posthumans are. Although Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is the nineteenth century novel, it suggests the bioethics required in the biotechnological and biomedical research. The dystopian vision of the future in the Brave New World gives us warnings of the senseless curiosity of the scientists who try to clone humans as well as other living things. Bokanovsky process in the Brave New World shows not only that human dignity and human value are totally ignored, but also that the new born babies are just the products to sustain the stability of the society. The concept of humans is nowadays being drastically changed into that of posthumans by the GNR (genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics) revolution. In this situation, to establish a desirable set of bioethics is very important because otherwise humans would suffer such pains and agonies as Frankenstein does due to his fatal error of creating Deamon without being guided by any bioethics. One of the biggest problems Frankenstein maintains is that he regards his deformed and ugly creature as the inferior Other, that is, an animal or beast harmful to humans. Bokanovskied people in the Brave New World as well as Frankenstein's creature should be certainly treated as human beings, not as pseudo-humans or monsters. For further scientific or biological research of living things in the future, serious care and treatment should be taken. In that sense, the bioethical standards based on ecocentrism are absolutely required more than ever in the post-human era in order to maintain an ecological balance and equality in any kinds of experiments with living things.