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We can notice a discrepancy between thesis of the universal tolerance in 『Traité sur la tolélance』(1763) and critics to judaism in 『Lettres philosophique』(1733) or 『Dictionnaire philosophique』(1764) of Voltaire. In 20th Century Arthur Hertzberg highlighted Voltaire's attitudes as an examplar of inconsistency of the Enlightenment. Was surely Voltaire are proponent of anti-semitism? But in reality Voltaire says in 『Traité sur la tolerence』, all of the Turkish, Chinese, Thai and Jewish are a creature of God and a brotherhood of ours. Furthermore he said Jews are our ancestor in 『Essai sur les moeurs』. In this respect, Voltaire has not despised Jews and denied to suggest them as an ‘Other', rather he accepted them as broadly humanity itself. And although he required the jewish culture has to corrected or abandoned, but he welcomed they would enter to enlightenment community such as an individual or corporate upon the position of universal tolerance. Although Voltaire reproached superstition, fanaticism, intolerance and persecution, but he was not condemned jewish nation and religious identity itself. Whoever the jewish they are get rid of fanaticism and superstition can participate in civil society which could preserve life and property of all members. So we can said Voltaire is not supporter of the anti-semitism which implicit biological racism, rather he was a supporter of anti-judaism who want to regenerate jewish culture and religion. Revolutionaries as abbé Grégoire or abbé Sièyes and the others has attempted to the emancipation of the jews in French Revolution. Emancipation of jews in the revolutionary age also result of accepted the anti-judaism of Voltaire and aims to regenerate jewish people for transformed to equal citizen. As a result jewish are bestowed new historical moment when they are appeared as a new independent individual who renounced established national community by regeneration of nearly enforced by revolutionaries. This would be settled as basic spirit to estimate another national groups as Arabians of contemporary French Republic.