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이 논문에서는 대만학계의 대만해양사 연구현황을 정리하면서 동시에 해양을 통해 어떻게 대만사를 볼 수 있는지를 알아보고자 한다. 우선 中央硏究院(Academia Sinica)의 中國海洋發展史 연구계획과 曹永和(Cao, Yonghe)의 ‘臺灣島史’를 통해 대만해양사연구의 출발을 살펴볼 것이다. 본문에서는 早期대만시기, 청조통치시기, 일본통치시기 등 세 시대의 역사를 다루었다. 첫째, 조기대만시기(史前-1683)는 네덜란드와 스페인의 대만 식민통치와 이를 이은 鄭氏왕조의 통치시기로 동아시아 해상무역이 활발했던 때이므로 해양사와 가장 관련이 깊다. 대만학계는 대체로 조기대만시기 네덜란드와 스페인의 통치를 경험하면서 사회구조가 단시간 내에 비약적인 혁신이 있었을 뿐만 아니라, 유럽 아시아 여러 국가의 경쟁으로 말미암아 세계무역체계에서 불가결한 구성원이 되었다고 평가한다. 둘째, 청조통치시기(1684-1894)는 海禁이 기본적인 국가정책이었으므로 해상무역보다는 대만 내 토지개발이 활발한 시기였다. 비록 청대 대만은 국제무역망에서 벗어나 있었지만 시간이 흐름에 따라 대만과 대륙의 범선무역이 증가하면서 양 지역 간의 분업관계가 나타났으며, 대만과 동남아무역도 일정 정도 유지되었다. 특히 청말 대만이 개항(1865년)하면서 서양열강과 일본의 진출이 활발해지자 다시 해양이 주목을 받았다. 셋째, 일본통치시기(1895-1945)는 일본이 대만을 식민지배하면서 군사적 경제적 필요에 따라 자국의 해양무역체제 안에 넣었는데, 이로 인해 대만인들은 해양국가의 식민지라는 새로운 체험을 하게 되었다. 일본통치시기는 식민지적 근대성(colonial modernity)문제가 논의의 핵심인데, 청조통치시기와는 달리 해양관련 분야에서 괄목할만한 발전이 있었다는 사실은 부정하기 어렵다. 이 논문의 마지막부분에서는 대만민주화이후 ‘해양대만’을 둘러싼 다양한 논의를 소개할 것이다. 여기선 실제로 해양사연구가 어떻게 대만사회에 자극을 주어 대만사를 독립영역으로 구축하는데 도움을 주었는지 살펴보았다.

This study intends to review the status of research on the maritime history of Taiwan by the academic circle of Taiwan, and to examine how we can look at the history of Taiwan from the maritime point of view. (1) The rise of maritime history and the emergence of the History of Taiwan island In this research, the beginning of research of Taiwan's maritime history will be examined through the research plan of “Chinese Maritime History” by Academia Sinica and “the History of Taiwan island” by Cao Yonghe. If Sunwenism Institute in Academia Sinica became the start of the study on maritime history in the mid 1980s, the person who actually led this study was a scholar Cao Yonghe from the institute. He was recognized as a symbolic figure for the study of maritime history in the Taiwanese academia, who laid a foundation not only for the Chinese maritime history, but the Taiwanese maritime history. The concept of “the History of Taiwan island” by Cao Yonghe is a well-arranged and global view of Taiwanese history, focused on the island of Taiwan as the research subject, which is known to have exercised great influence on the development of new historical studies. (2) The history of Taiwan seen from the maritime perspective With the status data of research on the Taiwanese history, this research divides the history of Taiwan into three major ages, early period of Taiwan, Qing Rule and Japanese Rule. It is still highly controversial in terms of the division of the history of Taiwan and the issue of naming the history within the academic circle of Taiwan. The sketchy division of the history in this research is as follow. Early Period of Taiwan (Prehistoric Taiwan – 1683): The early period of Taiwan is most related with the maritime history, as it was the period of the colonial rules of the Netherlands and Spain followed by the ruling of the Zheng Dynasty, when the seaborne trade was vigorous in East Asia. The academic circle of Taiwan, on the whole, acknowledge that the colonial experience of Taiwan by the Netherlands and Spain in the early period of Taiwan made it possible to have a rapid innovation of its social structure within a short period of time, and also became one of the essential members in the global trade system as a result of competitiveness among European and Asian countries. Although being a maritime nation at a global level, Taiwan became grew apart from the ocean after the collapse of the Zheng Dynast and following “the Ban of the Ocean” policy by the rule of the Qing Dynasty. Qing Rule (1684-1894): During the ruling period of the Qing Dynasty, the ban of the ocean was the fundamental national policy in the country, and as a result, land development became more lively within the land of Taiwan than seaborne trade. As a result, conflicts and contradictions between Taiwanese aborigines and Han Chinese immigration were so severe, and there have been many studies done about resentment relationships between them. Although Taiwan remained out of the global trade network during the Qing rule, the number of vessel trades between Taiwan and the mainland increased over time, and the two regions naturally had a relationship of a division of labor. The trade between Taiwan and South East Asian countries also remained more or less constant. In particular, when Taiwan opened a port to foreign countries at the end of the Qing period in 1865, western powers and Japan actively pushed into the maritime trade, and the ocean came to the fore again. Japanese Rule (1895-1945): During the Japanese colonial period, Japan included Taiwan into its own maritime trade system as necessary for their military and economic needs. As a result, Taiwanese people had a new experience of being a colony of a maritime country. The main issue of the discussion for the period of the Japanese rule is colonial modernity. Unlike the period of Qing rule, it is true that there was a significant development in the maritime field during this period. Along with the rise of the study on the history of Taiwan, active studies have been conducted on the maritime history of Taiwan regarding during the Japanese rule as there are relatively abundant historic resources available. The last part of this research will introduce different discussions surrounding “maritime Taiwan” after the democratization of Taiwan. Particular attention will be paid on how the studies of the maritime history actually stimulated the society of Taiwan and helped establish the history of Taiwan as an independent field.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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Taiwan, East Asia, marine history, sea ban(海禁), maritime defence(海防), marine transport(海運), navy(海軍), naval warfare(海戰), territorial waters(領海), sea power(海權), fishery(漁業), island(島嶼), awareness of the ocean.