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1. 이 연구는 오르프 교수법 소개와 초등 1, 2 학년 ‘즐거운 생활’에서의 오르프 이론 연계 여부 조사 분석 및 이에 따른 제언의 제시에 목적을 두었다. 2. 초등 저학년 ‘즐거운 생활’ 교과서, 교사용 지도서의 내용 중, 오르프 교수법과 관련되는 내용에서는 다음과 같은 점이 포착된다. 첫째, 오르프의 움직임에 관한 교육은 ‘인간이 기본적으로 이미 신체표현(동작), 언어, 무용, 또는 음악을 통합한다’는 원리 안에서 전개된다. ‘즐거운 생활’ 교과서, 교사용 지도서는 노래하기, 신체표현(동작), 놀이에 대하여 많은 내용을 제공한다. 그러나 언어(말하기)의 내용이 빈약하고 ‘노래 부르기’에 있어서 ‘가사 바꾸기’는 소개하지만, 가사-가사리듬, 동작과의 연계 등 좀 더 다양하고 흥미 있게 제시하지 않고 있다. 둘째, '즐거운 생활'은 아동들에게 놀이를 통하여 흥미를 불러일으키며, 그 ‘놀이’를 다른 아동들과 함께 하도록 하므로, 협동의 모습이 어떠한지 느끼도록 이끈다. 3. 연구결과, 오르프 매체(Orff media) 이론의 내용이 ‘즐거운 생활’에 모두 반영되고 있다는 것을 발견하게 되었다; 오르프 교수법 내용의 '즐거운 생활'에서의 반영여부는 본론 2의 ➀ - ➃ 등에서 오르프 매체와 연계된 면이 있음을 설명했다. ‘즐거운 생활’ 학습 내용 중에서, 다문화 관련 내용의 연계 정도는 빈약하다. 앞으로 ‘즐거운 생활’ 교과서 등의 수정 시 이에 대한 연계성을 좀 더 추구하는 것이 필요하다. 구체적인 것은 결론 및 제언에 제시한다.

This paper discusses on the importance of music education in elementary school. In the entrance, the paper refers to the ‘Significance of Music Education.’ The paper also discusses among issues related to music education, giving stress on the learning of music of various culture around the world. But the main point of this study is to examine whether there is connection between Orff Media and the contents of 'Merry life(즐거운 생활), elementary school 1st and 2nd grades. In view of this, the paper refers and explains the connecting examples appeared in 'Merry life(즐거운 생활), elementary school 1st and 2nd grades,' according to the details of Orff media such as speech, singing, movements, and instruments;1) speech; Studying speech rhythm is introduced in 'Merry life.'2) singing; Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music is introduced in 'Merry life.' Singing along with various activities(; singing with movements, walking while hitting the beats of the song etc.) is introduced, so, while singing, children can learn musical elements appeared in the song. 3) movements; Various forms of movements are introduced in 'Merry life.'4) instruments; Performing on instruments, alone and with others, selecting a varied repertoire of music, improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments are introduced in 'Merry life.' Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines seem to be included in 'Merry life.' Suggestion Teachers should probe problems in making students grow to understand surround music. Teachers cannot help but recognize their responsibility in guiding children or students to know the features and meaning of musical cultures near and far, in its multiple shape. Such an effort would bring teachers toward the common road of a thorough-going musical training and musical education. Teacher needs to study more beyond their bachelor's degree. To solve problems in making students grow to understand surround music teacher should; ① Read on ethnomusicological issues to be informed of the suggested teaching projects and design an activity that can be taught to children or students. ② Select music and develop ideas to respond to the facing issue 'better understanding of one culture, or 'the culture, the meaning' on beginning musical activity. Teacher may access to internet to get information on those. ③ Get help through printed sources, multimedia materials, culture-bearer or scholars, even from children from birth of foreign origin, who may render further sight on the uses of the music of certain culture. ④ Double-check teaching course schedule, and provide integrated learning projects to fit the course activities. Ponder about, 'What experiences will be meaningful to develop children's or students' knowledge of music of foreign culture. Sketch of a sample course schedules;* exploratory listening * participation * performance * creative-expressive experiences * appraisal, assessment.