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세계화와 세계경제 통합과정에서 일정 규모와 잠재력을 지닌 광역권의 중요성이 부각되면서, 현 정부의 광역경제권과 초광역개발권 중심의 지역발전전략은 중요한 의미를 지니고 있다. 본 논문에서는 우리나라의 지역발전정책을 국가 및 세계도시체계의 관점에서 재조명하였다. 현재 추진하고 있는 광역경제권과 초광역개발권은 ‘세계-국가-지역 도시체계’의 연결고리로서 국토의 발전을 주도하고, 국가의 글로벌 역량을 극대화하는 견인 역할을 해야 한다. 또한 세계의 거대 경제지역, 즉 메가지역 또는 세계도시지역들과 경쟁할 수 있는 초광역경제권과 이를 세계경제와 세계도시체계로 연결할 수 있는 글로벌 초광역개발권의 중층적인 개발전략을 병행하여, 세계화시대에 대응할 수 있는 미래지향적인 국토 공간구조의 개편방안이 필요하다.

The importance of the mega-region is recognized from globalization and the global economic restructuring processes. In this context, the three-tired regional development strategies of the Korean government keep the major implication. The aim of this paper is to discuss the regional development policy of the Korean government, considering the world city system and global city-region network, and to suggest the reshaping plan of the spatial structure in the Korea. The Economic Regions and the Supra-Economic Regions should lead the development of the our country and maximize the global competition of the nation. In addition, the Global Economic Regions which are able to compete with the enormous economic regions of the world (mega-regions or global cityregions), and the Global Supra-Economic Region which is able to connect with the global economy and the world city system will be needed.

The importance of the mega-region is recognized from globalization and the global economic restructuring processes. In this context, the three-tired regional development strategies of the Korean government keep the major implication. The aim of this paper is to discuss the regional development policy of the Korean government, considering the world city system and global city-region network, and to suggest the reshaping plan of the spatial structure in the Korea. The Economic Regions and the Supra-Economic Regions should lead the development of the our country and maximize the global competition of the nation. In addition, the Global Economic Regions which are able to compete with the enormous economic regions of the world (mega-regions or global cityregions), and the Global Supra-Economic Region which is able to connect with the global economy and the world city system will be needed.