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기후변화에 대한 세계적 관심이 높아지고 있고 지구온난화는 인류 생존을 위협하는 위기로 인식되고 있다. 온실가스 배출량이 많은 우리나라는 Post-2012 체제에서는 의무감축국이 될 가능성이 크다. 온실가스를 감축하고 변화된 기후변화에 대한 대응 방안이 마련되어야 한다. 그러나 기후변화 계획 수립을 위한 명확한 가이드라인이 없기 때문에 계획의 적합성과 실효성을 검증받지 않은 유사한 정책과 프로그램들이 제시되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 기후변화를 대비한 계획의 지표를 개발하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 기후변화 대응계획 부문을 크게 완화, 성장, 적응 세 영역으로 나누어 기존연구와 해외 선진 사례들을 바탕으로 지표를 도출하였다. 지표의 중요도 설문을 통한 요인분석 결과 도출된 요인은 자원순환, 행정기반, 에너지 효율화, 녹색교통 체계, 자동차 이용 억제, 환경 부문, 녹색기술 경영, 안전기반, 안전대비 정보 구축의 총 9개이다.

Environment problem is a global agenda. Global warming is regarded as crisis threatening to the existence of human being. It is desirable for regional governments to take care of those, but there are no assured guidelines for making plans against climate change yet. For that reason, there are similar policies and programs which haven’t received suitability and effectiveness until now. The aim of this study is to find out what planning indicators is against climate change. First, strategies for the response of climate change are divided into three sections mitigation, growth and adaptation. Then draw the indicators that stands on earlier studies and cases of developed nations. Its priorities are assessed by survey experts. According to the rsult of this research, the core factors are nine including 44 planning indicators.

Environment problem is a global agenda. Global warming is regarded as crisis threatening to the existence of human being. It is desirable for regional governments to take care of those, but there are no assured guidelines for making plans against climate change yet. For that reason, there are similar policies and programs which haven’t received suitability and effectiveness until now. The aim of this study is to find out what planning indicators is against climate change. First, strategies for the response of climate change are divided into three sections mitigation, growth and adaptation. Then draw the indicators that stands on earlier studies and cases of developed nations. Its priorities are assessed by survey experts. According to the rsult of this research, the core factors are nine including 44 planning indicators.