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지식정보화와 세계화의 진전은 지방이 국제경제의 주체로 부상하는 계기가 되었고, 이는 지역발전 패러다임의 획기적인 전환을 요구하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 충북혁신도시가 조성계획대로 진행된다는 가정 하에 충북혁신도시 조성 후 산업활동변화를 예측하기 위해서 충청북도의 주력전략사업이며, 충북혁신도시의 중추적 혁신클러스터라 할 수 있는 BIT혁신클러스터의 구축효과에 대해서 분석하였다. 분석결과 1차 파급지역의 경우 BIT혁신클러스터의 산업집적 효과가 10.5% 상승하여 클러스터 조성효과가 매우 크게 나타 날 것으로 예측 되었다. 반면 2차 파급지역의 경우 1.1%의 산업집적효과가 발생 하여 2차 파급지역에 미치는 영향은 적을 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 클러스터구축효과에 대해서 통계적 접근 방법과 GIS기법 활용을 통해 산업집중지수의 변화를 도출해 충북혁신도시 조성에 필요한 정책수립 및 충북혁신도시 주변지역에서 도시계획수립 시 필요한 자료로 활용 가능한 연구 결과를 도출하였다.

Region rose as the main body of international economy with information-oriented society and deepening globalization, and this requires epoch making changes in paradigm of regional development. This study was conducted on the assumption that Chungbuk Innovation City proceed as the development plan. To predict industry changes in surrounding areas after the development, this study predicted cluster construction effect of BIT innovative cluster, which is the key cluster and the main focused project of Chungcheongbukdo. The result of the analysis showed that the construction effect of innovative cluster has big effect on first extending area by increasing 10.5% in spatial agglomeration. However, this showed insignificant effect on second extending area by only increasing 1.1% in spatial agglomeration. This study conducted improvement analysis of BIT innovative cluster construction effect using statistical approach and used GIS method to show spacial change. Since derived study results can be practically used for policy making when developing Chungbuk Innovation City and planning surrounding areas, this study have provided significant meaning.

Region rose as the main body of international economy with information-oriented society and deepening globalization, and this requires epoch making changes in paradigm of regional development. This study was conducted on the assumption that Chungbuk Innovation City proceed as the development plan. To predict industry changes in surrounding areas after the development, this study predicted cluster construction effect of BIT innovative cluster, which is the key cluster and the main focused project of Chungcheongbukdo. The result of the analysis showed that the construction effect of innovative cluster has big effect on first extending area by increasing 10.5% in spatial agglomeration. However, this showed insignificant effect on second extending area by only increasing 1.1% in spatial agglomeration. This study conducted improvement analysis of BIT innovative cluster construction effect using statistical approach and used GIS method to show spacial change. Since derived study results can be practically used for policy making when developing Chungbuk Innovation City and planning surrounding areas, this study have provided significant meaning.