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베트남은 자연재해로 인해 매년 평균 750명 이상의 사망자가 발생하고 있으며, 재해에 의한 경제적인 피해액 또한 한해 GDP의 1.5%에 달하고 있다. 저먼워치(Germanwatch)의 2010년 세계기후위험지수(Global Climate Risk Index, GCRI)의 전 지구적 기후재난에 관한 국가별 순위 조사에서 베트남은 4위에 기록되었다. 베트남의 자연재해는 대부분 풍수해에 집중되어 전체 재해의 86%를 차지하고 있고, 이는 대부분 해안 지대와 강 유역의 홍수 및 범람에서 비롯되는데, 베트남 전체 인구의 약 70%가 이러한 상습적 홍수와 범람 발생 지역인 해안가 및 강 유역에 거주하고 있어 재난에 대한 예방 및 복구 관리 등 국가적 차원의 대책이 시급한 실정이다. 기후변화로 인한 재해양상의 변화 및 예측 연구가 전 세계적인 화두로 떠오른 가운데, 재해를 보는 관점은 물리적, 사회적, 경제적인 측면에서 고찰하는 경향에 와 있으며, 재난관리를 위한 재정투자가 증가하고 국가적·국지적 계획이 세워지고 있다. 특히 재난에 대한 기술 선진국들은 개발도상국 내지는 소득구조가 낮은 지역의 재해에 대한 기술적 교육적 원조를 모색하며 국제협력 관계에서 환경적으로 취약한 지역에 대한 균형적 대응과 복구를 이루고자 하고 있다. 본 연구는 베트남의 풍수해 관련 재해에 대한 기록상 추이를 통해 공간적으로 풍수해 재난에 취약한 지역의 지리적 특성을 종합적으로 분석함으로써, 재해에 대한 국제적 원조를 위한 지리적 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다.

Approximately 750 and over lives has been lost per year by natural disaster in Vietnam, and economic loss has been reached 1.5% of its GDP every year. Germanwatch reported that Vietnam took the 4th place of Global climate risk nation in the world through an analysis of Global climatge risk index, 2010. Vietnamese natural disaster is centered on damage from storms and flood which is measured about 86% of the whole disater, and that is occurred on sea shore or river side. Moreover, seventy percent of Vietnamese lives on habitual innundation area and its prevention and adaptation against the natural disaster should be considered over the matter from a national point of view. Climate change issue has been raised, and many researches are dealing with its aspect of hazard vulnerability and disaster management. Especially, the researches focus on physical, social, economic aspect to manage the disaster impact in both locally and nationally. Moreover many technically advanced nations have been making an effort to support the environmentally injustice countries, such as Vietman or Bangladesh, and setting a strategy of adaptation for them. This study see through Vietnamese storm related disasters on its historical event record to analyze geographical characteristics of the vulnerable area, and try to make basic information for disaster management.

Approximately 750 and over lives has been lost per year by natural disaster in Vietnam, and economic loss has been reached 1.5% of its GDP every year. Germanwatch reported that Vietnam took the 4th place of Global climate risk nation in the world through an analysis of Global climatge risk index, 2010. Vietnamese natural disaster is centered on damage from storms and flood which is measured about 86% of the whole disater, and that is occurred on sea shore or river side. Moreover, seventy percent of Vietnamese lives on habitual innundation area and its prevention and adaptation against the natural disaster should be considered over the matter from a national point of view. Climate change issue has been raised, and many researches are dealing with its aspect of hazard vulnerability and disaster management. Especially, the researches focus on physical, social, economic aspect to manage the disaster impact in both locally and nationally. Moreover many technically advanced nations have been making an effort to support the environmentally injustice countries, such as Vietman or Bangladesh, and setting a strategy of adaptation for them. This study see through Vietnamese storm related disasters on its historical event record to analyze geographical characteristics of the vulnerable area, and try to make basic information for disaster management.