초록 열기/닫기 버튼

실업의 지역적 양상은 국가의 실업양상과 유사한 경향을 띄지만, 지역의 실업구조와 실업요인은 지역마다 차이를 보인다. 실업률은 수도권에서 높았으며, 수도권에는 젊은 연령층의 실업이, 비수도권에는 장년층과 노년층의 실업이 많았다. 그리고 수도권에는 남성의 실업이, 비수도권에는 여성의 실업이 많았으며 수도권에는 대졸이상 학력의 실업이, 비수도권에는 중졸이하 학력의 실업이 상대적으로 많았다. 모든 지역의 실업은 서비스업에서 대다수 발생하였지만, 수도권은 서비스업에서, 비수도권은 제조업과 건설업, 농림어업에서 상대적으로 많이 발생하였다. 직종별 실업은 수도권은 서비스판매직과 관리 및 전문직에서, 비수도권은 기능 및 단순노무직과 농림어업직에서 발생하였다. 실업요인은 수도권과 비수도권 모두 자발적 실업이 많았으나 비수도권에서는 비자발적 실업도 상대적으로 많았다. 모든 지역의 실업은 경기적 요인이 주요 요인이었지만 기업과 산업이 집중된 수도권에는 경기침체와 산업 및 기업의 구조조정에 따른 실업이 많았으며, 건설업과 농림어업의 종사자가 많은 비수도권은 일의 완료에 의한 실업이 많았다.

The tendency of the regional unemployment is similar to that of the national unemployment. But the unemployment structure and factor are different among the regions. The unemployment rate of the capital region is higher than that of the province. The unemployment of the capital region is high in the young aged, the man and the high-educated person. And the unemployment rate of the province is high in the old aged, the woman and low-educated person. The unemployment of the capital region is relatively created in the service and that of the province is created in the manufacture, the construction and the agriculture. The unemployment of capital region is produced in the sales work, the managerial work and the professional work. And the unemployment of province is produced in the technical work, the simple labor work and the agricultural work. The voluntary unemployment is the unemployment main factor of the capital region and the province. The unemployment of capital region is created by the economic stagnation and the enterprise restructuring. But the unemployment of the province is created by the work completion.

The tendency of the regional unemployment is similar to that of the national unemployment. But the unemployment structure and factor are different among the regions. The unemployment rate of the capital region is higher than that of the province. The unemployment of the capital region is high in the young aged, the man and the high-educated person. And the unemployment rate of the province is high in the old aged, the woman and low-educated person. The unemployment of the capital region is relatively created in the service and that of the province is created in the manufacture, the construction and the agriculture. The unemployment of capital region is produced in the sales work, the managerial work and the professional work. And the unemployment of province is produced in the technical work, the simple labor work and the agricultural work. The voluntary unemployment is the unemployment main factor of the capital region and the province. The unemployment of capital region is created by the economic stagnation and the enterprise restructuring. But the unemployment of the province is created by the work completion.